SBM ITB Plans to Develop Mentorship Program
By Vinskatania Agung A
Editor Vinskatania Agung A

The idea was warmly welcomed particularly by top notch businessmen such as Joe Kamdani (Datascrip) and Sudhamek AWS (Garudafood). Sudhamek shared the implementation of mentorship program done by Garudafood titled Garudapreneur. On the other hand, Joe Kamdani put a reminder that to be entrepreneur was a self-decision. "They (entrepreneurs) who will decide how much development that they wish to achieve," told the founder of Datascrip, a one-stop business solutions company. The 2-hour meeting was attended by Dean Prof. Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono and more than 20 members of the council and donors mostly from business practitioners such as Teddy Rachmat (Adaro), AT Suharya (Baramulti), Shanti L. Poesposoetjipto (Samudera Indonesia), Maroef Sjamsoeddin (Freeport), and Purnomo Prawiro (Blue Bird).Beside discussing about ideas to shape SBM in the near future, the meeting presented the continuous improvement of SBM ITB. Dean of SBM ITB emphasized the Triple Crown International Accreditation in 2020. Meanwhile, Director of SBM ITB Jakarta delivered the latest data of SBM's progress. "We have 2221 students' body in 4 campuses: Ganesha, Gelap Nyawang, Jatinangor, and Jakarta. On the partnership level, we have collaborated with 38 International institutions and more than 10 local partners mostly for in-house program," he explained.