Architecture Program of ITB Extends International Accreditation by KAAB
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development (SAPPK) of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) extends its international accreditation by Korea Architectural Accrediting Board (KAAB) for Architecture Program. Representatives of KAAB visited ITB since Sunday (16/9/2018) and was received directly by Rector of ITB and other executives on Monday (17/09/2018). The extension is expected to improve the educational quality of ITB’s Architecture Program.
Dean of SAPPK-ITB, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. Widjaja Martokusumo said that Architecture Program of ITB acquired KAAB accreditation that ends by January 2019. Therefore, extension is necessary. “The benefit of this international accreditation is not only the recognition but also the accountability of the program. Learning mechanism, management of existing knowledge, learning process and substance, all of that give good position and support to ITB’s policy,” he said.
For alumni of ITB Architecture Program, the benefit of this accreditation is the recognition when working abroad. This is necessary in order to face globalization and modernization that make geographical barriers thinner. “After recognized (internationally) as a trusted group, it will give more benefit to the alumni,” he added.
Besides Architecture Program, on mid-October, Germany international accreditation board, ASIIN, will come for Regional and City Planning (PWK) Program. Prof. Widjaja hoped the process of ASIIN accreditation for that program will go as he expected and adding to the number of international accreditation in SAPPK-ITB. As for BAN-PT accreditation, all programs in SAPPK-ITB have received A accreditation.
“This international recognition will certainly raise ITB’s fame. That is why we really hope Architecture and PWK Programs can receive international accreditation,” he said.
The result of accreditation will be announced through written statement later this year around the next 2-3 month. “We hope at the end of this year the result is announced, and we certainly hope for the best,” he concluded.