Asia Computational Materials Design Workshop

Oleh kristiono

Editor kristiono

BANDUNG, – Team of Computer Base Material Design and Quantum Engineering, Physical Engineering ITB, along with Team from Kasai Laboratory, University of Osaka, Japan, carry out Asia Workshop on Computer Based Material Design, from Wednesday (6/8) to Friday (8/8). Took place in Physical Engineering Meeting Room, 2nd Floor Labtek VI, the workshop attended by both prominent speakers from Osaka and ITB. They were Prof. Hideaki Kasai, Prof. Hisazumi Akai, Prof. Hiroshi Katayama Yoshida, Prof. Wilson Agerico Dino, Prof. Masako Ogura, Prof. Hiroshi Nakanishi, Prof. Rio Maezono, and Hermawan K Dipojono Ph.D. The workshop items are among other present an up to date research in the field of Computer Material Design (CMD) and practical training of quantum simulation. Started with overview of CMD’s possibility role in Indonesia, its applications, CMD in surface interaction and nano-spintronics, followed with growth of quantum simulation, the workshop is used Machikaneyama 2000, an open source CMD application developed by Prof. Hisazumi Akai from University of Osaka. CMD is a computation approach of function closeness theory that assists new material development with key properties and specific function. Basically, CMD use the quantum simulation to break problems of material science so that enable to design a material that fit determined specification. CMD have impact on researching as well as industry development. Role modeling and simulation, as explained by Hermawan K Dipojono, will lessen the expense and time, equip experiment in attainment of the physical phenomenon, and useful in searching, designing, improving of new function material. Computer simulation, be like CMD, assist the understanding in interlayer arrangement and 'organo-clays' reactivity pursuant to nano-composite. One of CMD usefulness, says Prof. Hiroshi Nakanishi, is in development of fuel cell. Nowadays the potency of hydrogen energy is estimated can overcome various problem generated by conventional energy system. Hydrogen energy system are among other can be produced from various renewable source, clear emission, high performance and appear in solid unit. Even though, many improvements are still needed to develop fuel cell technology like reduction of platinum (Pt) usage. It is since the material very costly. Reduction of platinum usage can be done through high efficiency technology usage or substitute with alternative material. There are also rooms to develop fuel cell that is eliminating the CO poisonous effect at fuel cell reaction. Quantum simulation methods which examined by Prof. Hiroshi Nakanishi and team were calculation of interaction between Hydrogen surfaces and Pt using DFT principle, energy calculation for Hydrogen movement, solution of Schrödinger formula, and determination of wave function.

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