Ayaskara: Fascinating Theatrical Show and Thematic Cuisine

Oleh Fatimah Larassati

Editor Fatimah Larassati

  BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Saturday (30/04/16) night was not an ordinary weekend in ITB Ganesha. In the midst of the serene and cool ambience left by the evening rain, ITB School of Business and Management (SBM) students of batch 2015 exhibited an exceptional art performances and cuisine. For a day, ITB Ganesha Boulevard and Campus Center (CC) area was transformed into a novel display of theatre and food. "Ayaskara" was realized through the hardwork of ITB SBM Leadership and Management Practice class participants. Through this course, students were challenged to apply their management, teamwork, and communication skills.

Two Stages Opera Recital

Thousands of visitors who were mostly students and parents filled the boulevard since 6 PM to enjoy the captivating show by ITB SBM students. Everyone had their gaze on

the large stage placed in the middle of East CC field as King Aruna threw a threat of war. The magical Ayaskara took place in a fictional fantasy kingdom called Aruna. Bathed in the cold Saturday air, the audience was tensed up with a civil war scene which resulted in Aruna royal princess's death. Ayaskara succeeded in stirring the spectators' emotions with its spectacular theatre.

Nevertheless, it was not the end of Ayaskara. The show continued on another stage in the West CC field. The stage was used to display the scene in Arjiva, the dark side of Aruna. In Arjiva, the thick atmosphere began to vanish gradually as the magic performance and comedy went on. The viewers, who had been tense because of the previous show, could finally smile again once they watched the hilarious acts of a couple of wizards from Arjiva.

"ITB Is Not Merely Theories"

The thematic installation of Ayaskara managed to impress Andi Mulhanan Tombolotu, father of Andi Magie Fitrahnurlia (SBM 2015). At first, Mulhanan expected that Ayaskara would be just like any ordinary exhibitions. "Apparently, this is an art pageant. Fortunately, the weather in Bandung tonight really helps in building the tense atmosphere," The vice mayor of Palu in 2008-2015 era said. He appreciated the hardwork from ITB SBM students, who had arranged and carried out this event. "If people did not know who the real organizer of this event is, they surely would think that Ayaskara is held by a professional event organizer," he added.On the other hand, a different opinion came from Avininda Fitria A. P. (Petroleum Engineering 2014). She attended Oddisey 2015 and realized that there were occurrences of several mistakes because Oddisey was held at the open space. "This time, it is hard to watch the act of the stage. In addition, the sound system used by Oddisey cannot function optimally, causing less viewer satisfaction in terms of the audio," Avininda told. Nevertheless, spectacular theatrical show and free ice cream managed to entertain first-year ITB students who had done Calculus II exam a few hours earlier.

ITB Journalist Apprentice 2016

Holy Lovenia (School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2015)

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