Bamboo and Rattan Design Workshop Product Exhibition 2024: A Creative Collaboration between ITB and Musashino Art University

Oleh M. Naufal Hafizh

Editor M. Naufal Hafizh

Image: ITB and Musashino Art University students presenting their work to lecturers. (Doc. ITB/Angela Sunaryo)

BANDUNG, - The Product Design Study Program at the Faculty of Art and Design, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), in collaboration with Musashino Art University from Japan, hosted a product exhibition showcasing unique creations born from the 2024 Bamboo and Rattan Design Workshop at the Soemardja Gallery, ITB Ganesha Campus, on Friday (8/3/2024). This event serves as evidence of the creative collaboration between the two educational institutions.

Held from March 8th to March 15th, 2024, the exhibition features a diverse array of design products centered around bamboo and rattan. The Soemardja Gallery at the ITB Ganesha Campus provides a venue where visitors can appreciate the beauty and distinctiveness of each showcased piece.

Now in its 14th year, this annual workshop has given students and design professionals from both universities the chance to delve into natural materials like bamboo and rattan creatively. Throughout the workshop, participants receive mentorship and guidance from design experts, enabling them to explore and refine their innovative ideas.

The event started with presentations from 11 groups of workshop participants. With palpable enthusiasm, they shared insights into the creative processes and novel ideas underpinning their product designs. Visitors were not only captivated by the showcased creativity but also inspired by the collaborative ethos evident in each presentation.

Image: Awarding certificates and honors to lecturers and assistant lecturers from Musashino Art University. (Doc. ITB/Angela Sunaryo)

Furthermore, awards were given to lecturers and assistant lecturers from Musashino Art University. This serves as acknowledgment for their contributions to the workshop's success. A warm and friendly atmosphere radiated from their happy gazes, showing how valuable this cross-cultural collaboration is for the parties involved.

Following this, the atmosphere transitioned to a more relaxed setting with a screening of a documentary capturing the workshop's highlights and creative processes. Laughter and cheers filled the room as participants and visitors reminisced about the shared experiences they had cherished.

Image: Group photograph featuring workshop participants and lecturers from ITB and Musashino Art University. (Doc. ITB/Angela Sunaryo))

The event wrapped up with a group photo session among participants, lecturers, and visitors. The camaraderie evident in their smiles underscored the bonds forged during this event. Subsequently, they proceeded to sing together, fostering even stronger relations between participants from both countries in an atmosphere brimming with joy and warmth.

This product exhibition has fostered inspiration, appreciation, and enduring connections among its participants. Serving as an unforgettable celebration of creativity and cross-cultural collaboration, it exemplifies the transformative power of art in bridging diverse communities worldwide.

Prof. Shinichi Ito, Lecturer at Musashino Art University, stated, "This exhibition is the culmination of intensive collaboration between ITB and Musashino Art University, aimed at broadening students' horizons and enriching their product design experiences. We take immense pride in witnessing the exceptional work produced by workshop participants and eagerly anticipate further productive collaboration in the future."

Reporter: Angela Sunaryo (Visual Art, 2020)
Translator: Hanifa Juliana (Urban and Regional Planning, 2020)
Editor: Kezia Hosana

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