ITB and Martha Tilaar Group Signs MoU for Creative Generation

Oleh Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

Editor Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

BANDUNG, – Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) ties partnership with industry, this time with a reputable cosmetic company, Martha Tilaar Group (MTG). The MoU was signed by Rector of ITB, Prof. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, and Director of Martha Tilaar Group, Samuel Eduard Pranata, and witnessed by Mrs. Marthaa Tilaar herself as the founder and owner of the brand Martha Tilaar on Thursday (5/7/2018).

The signing took place at Executive Meeting Room A, at ITB Rector Building, on Jalan Tamansari, Bandung. From ITB, present executives were Vice Rector of Research, Innovation, and Partnership of ITB, Prof. Bambang Riyanto Trilaksono, Vice Rector of Resources and Organization, Prof. Irawati, Director for Partnership and International Relationship, Dr. Edwan Kardena, and Director for Public Relations and Alumni, Dr. Samitha Dewi Djajanti. Meanwhile, from MTG, present executives were Hendry A. Rudolf Tilaar and staff, and several directors and heads of distribution of MTG Bandung.

Mrs. Martha Tilaar who is also an honorary member of Board of Trustees (MWA) of ITB on her remarks said that Indonesia is a plentiful country with rich natural resources, and with support of research and technology, will bring great impact to the well-being of people of Indonesia.

“I would be very grateful if young generation will continue striving for prosperous Indonesia (through research) which is rich, abundant and complete country. Just (research) one medicinal, cosmetic, and aromatic plants, surely we can (be prosperous),” she said.

Mrs. Marthaa Tilaar, who is blessed with 8 grandchildren, looked very passionate in delivering about MTG Goes to Campus program “Generasi Berkreasi” (Creative Generation). She hopes that young generation will make positive actions using ideas and innovations on various fields of interest.

Prof. Kadarsah warmly welcome the partnership with MTG in research. He mentioned several ITB’s research groups that can collaborate with MTG. “Researches in higher education should not stop on journal writing, but have to continue as real products for industry and public. Partnership between industry and higher education can add more value economically and socially,” said Kadarsah.

The signing concluded with memento exchange. During the occasion, Prof. H.A.R Tilaar who accompanied his wife, Martha, handed some books he wrote to Prof. Kadarsah Suryadi. The books are compilations of Prof. Tilaar’s works for decades.

Reporter : Adi Permana

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