Bamboo Shelter Project: An Aesthetic and Safe Residential Concept

Oleh Neli Syahida

Editor Neli Syahida

BANDUNG, -- A guest lecturer from Product Design ITB, Prof. Bando Takaaki from Musashino Art University, Japan, released structure super project, Bamboo Shelter Project which can be saw Monday to Thursday (19-22/03/12) in East Campus Center field ITB. The final result is a huge bamboo structure with minimal matter,but endure to earthquake. This collaboration project between Product Design, Art and Design Faculty (FSRD) ITB and Settlement Research and Development Center (PUSKIM) is also supported by Architecture, Mechanical Engineering, and Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering ITB.

Seeing many victims of earthquake in Kobe, Japan, which is caused by being trapped in a building, Prof Bando Takaaki, a graphical designer in the beginning, attracted to develop an alternatve building design which able to give assure shelter for its occupant, A chief of Product Design ITB, Dr. Andar Bagus, M.Sn. said.

In searching of a strong building structure, people found a conclusion that sphere is the most stable structure. "A small nature thing, like virus to celestial bodies, like planet and sun, all of this have sphere shape," Dr. Andar explained, " A sphere shape flatten a tension received by structure. It can be saw that there is no segmentation or angle, we can't differ which is wall or which is roof."

A sphere building design has been developed for a long time, but its shell design always be a problem. In this project, Prof. Bando chose bamboo as the main matter. "Bamboo is available, cheap and easy to be processed by small industry and eco-friendly," Dr. Andar said. These bamboos are connected each other in shape hexagonal and pentagonal modules whic is string up by bolt and wires.

Actually, an effort to explore bamboo by Prof. Bando isn't the first tim. Since 2009, every year, Product Design ITB held a workshop about design bamboo by him. Even, Prof. Bando had ever settled as a guest lecturer in 2011 and Bamboo Shelter Project is one of his responsibility.

Students Collaboration

Harmein Khagi (Product Design ITB) as a Project Director explained that Bamboo Shelter Project was expected could be finished in Thursday (22/03/12). The execution was helped by many partner. A module to sphere dome is done by students from Interior Design, Visual Communication Design, Product Design, Architecture, Mechanical Engineering, and Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering ITB. There is 12 pentagon modules and 20 hexagon modues will be made.

"First, we will make the upper, then it will be pulled by three towers to upper to be continued untill the bottom. Before finishing, it will be fitted the feet part," he said.

Pictures by: Kurniawan Gunadi

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