Community Development HIMATEK-ITB: Creating Independence Village through Utilizing Cow Dung

Oleh Bangkit Dana Setiawan

Editor Bangkit Dana Setiawan

BANDUNG, - Through hands of engineer, a subtance that is considered as garbage and worthless can be transformed into high value product and useful for human being. These things is applied to community development programs which is conducted by Association of Chemical Engineering Students (HIMATEK) ITB. Within that program, HIMATEK ITB utilize cow dung to be used as biogas that can be used as a subtitute for Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG). Community development program that has been done since two years ago at Ciporet Village, Cilengkrang District, Bandung Regency, West Java.

The idea of utilizing cow dung waste originated from environmental issues that arose in Ciporeat Village. Ciporeat village is one of the largest milk-producing village in West Java and until now, there are about one thousand dairy cattle in the village. However, the system of waste disposal and treatment cow dung in Ciporeat has not been well developed. Cow dung waste were just throwed away into a ditch and caused air pollution, water pollution, and contamination of irrigation canals. Ciporeat Village is located on plateau and it worsen pollution case becaause the waste is also contaminated to areas that is located below the Ciporeat.

Under the command of Bangkit Dana Setiawan (Chemical Engineering 2011) as Chairman of the Division of Community Development. HIMATEK ITB worked hard to build new biogas reactor and converted into biogas. According to Bangkit, one cow can produce about 25 kg of dung per day and can be converted into 1000 L biogas. It is equivalent to 0,34 kg of LPG. Until now, the bioreactor has capacity of 4,5 m3 has been installed in the Ciporeat village and soon will be installed three other bioreactors again.

Bangkit said that community development program is supported from various parties, on of Andreas Wiji, owner of bioreactor production company as well as alumni of ITB chemical engineering. In order to broaden and enhance the development of bioreactor, HIMATEK ITB learned continuously to Andreas about every aspect of biogas. HIMATEK ITB also has cooperation with Indonesia Biogas Association and local governments. Not only that, HIMATEK ITB also undertake study in Kampung Areng, Cibodas, Lembang as a village which has been sustained biogas technology. Support for community development also comes from the United State's non-government organization (NGO), Resolution. This NGO supported the project through mentoring programs and financial.

Better Bioreactors for Independence Village

Actually, the utilizing of cow dung waste into biogas has been done in Ciporeat previously by the government. However, the lack of control in the program resulted bioreactor that has been installed into disuse and disrepair. Moreover, the type of installed bioreactor by government has a biogas reservoir of plastic that are prone to leaks and pressure settings must be done manually. Now, HIMATEK ITB install a new type bioreactor equipped with biogas storage part in it, and can be operated in more modern way. With this new type of bioreactor, hopefully utilizing cow dung process can be operated safely, effectively and efficiently and also produce higher conversion.

Bangkit hope that bioreactor installation in the Ciporeat village not only solve the environmental problems, but also makes independent village in economics and energy. "Beside of biogas that can be used directly, the process in bioreactor also produce waste that can be utilized as biofertilizer then sell. It expected that can support the people's economy," said Bangkit. He also hoped that the use of cow dung into biogas can be run sustained. "Hopefully whole cow dung waste generated in this village can be used and converted into marketable products that bring positive impacts to the environment sector, energy, and economy," said Bangkit.

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