Beasiswa Aktivis Nusantara: Invite ITB Students To be a Leader

Oleh Teguh Yassi Akasyah

Editor Teguh Yassi Akasyah

BANDUNG, - On Saturday (02/01/14) located at  The Main Gallery of East Campus Center of ITB, Tim Beasiswa ITB held a cooperation with Dompet Dhuafa in order for the roadshow of  Beasiswa Aktivis Nusantara 2014.  The roadshow that has theme "To form Statesman leader, has character, contributive, and achievement" was attended by more than two hundred people. In addition to discuss about the scholarship for the Indonesian activists, this event also a review of the book and  introduce a social movements by awardees of Beasiswa Aktivis Nusantara 2013.

Beasiswa Aktivis Nusantara is a scholarship offered by Dompet Dhuafa to moslem students bachelor degree program at least fifth semester and maximal for seventh semester. This Scholarship is not only giving money but also give supervision, leading and training character for the recipients. "If scholarship offered only in the form of money bag, then we are afraid that there are many things that are not wanted happened, for example of distrust themselves in socializing. Thus, we provide training and development character on the interest and also potential for the recipients can be directed well," explained Budianto as the Director of Scholarship at Dompet Duafa.

A Review of the book "The President Statesman"

Book called  "The President Statesman" is a book written by receiver of Beasiswa Aktivis Nusantara 2013. A Review of the book was presenting five young activist in their respective fields. They are Nyoman Anjani  (President of Cabinet KM ITB),  Wildan Ghiffary (President of BEM UNPAD), Yayang Luthfan (Chairman of ITB Pharmacy Student Association ) , Indarto (Chairman of   ITB Mining Engineering Student Association), and Rochenry (Chairman of ITB Aeronautical Engineering Student Association) as moderator . "This book is good, but this book will only be a discourse if the reader will not do anything after reading this book. Statesman is those who know about his country, would know his potential, and had a big idea to maximize the potential so that his country to be betters, not only just a theory," explained Nyoman.

The recipients of Beasiswa Aktivis Nusantara 2013 are doing social movements that initiation given the name 'Creative Thisable'. This is a movement able to empower of defective human to be able to live independently. There is a community of defective human in Bandung, named Kelompok Kreativitas Difabel (KKD). KKD are producing a fake leg for defective human. The fake leg that has been produced by KKD was so cheaper than the price that sold in the hospital, so this business is very helpful for defective human who cannot afford to buy a fake leg in the hospital.

Unfortunately, they were hampered by the low productivity because of the place for the production process that narrow and publication to the community. Departed from this, awardees of Beasiswa Aktivis Nusantara 2013 initiative to create the 'Creative Thisable' program. "We want to give a sense for that community through this program. We hope that this program is able to give a concrete contribution," said Dinar (Students of Regional and City Planning  2010), one of the speakers in that event.

For more information about this scholarship:

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