Beberes Cisitu: A Way to Beautify Cisitu with Murals
By Shabrina Salsabila
Editor Shabrina Salsabila

Murals-making event is a part of "Beberes Cisitu", one of the external work programs implemented by Ministry of Ganesha Hijau Kabinet Mahasiswa ITB. M. Yusuf Musabbiq (Oceanographic 2011) as the chairman of the steering committee said that Cisitu was chosen as the venue because most of the region is lived by ITB students. "Based on the facts, there is only 20-30% natives living in Cisitu, the rest are students. Therefore, it is our obligation to care and do something for our residence", said Abbiq. In the other side, murals-making event is expected to be a means in facilitating the citizens' creativity.
The murals that lie along the residential wall imply three environmental aspects of Cisitu: problems, potency, and hope of the residents. According to Abbiq, the most serious problems that faced by Cisitu residents today are clogged ditch, traffic jam, and unclose relationship between Karang Taruna and them. Abbiq hopes the implementation of "Beberes Cisitu" program would help the residents in solving those problems.
Cisitu's potency that was depicted in the mural could be seen in a painting of various cake types. Those are Cisitu cakes - what people call for cakes made by Cisitu residents - who are considered as a potency to develop the residents' economic life. About hope, the residents expect an existence of a garden or green space in Cisitu.
A Sudden Visit
The murals-making event that lasted from 7 AM to 12.30 PM got a surprise. Head of Kecamatan Coblong, Anton Sugiana, made an unannounced to visit the venue. "I got the information of this event through live tweet by KM ITB's twitter account then I immediately came here", said Anton. Anton hopes such event could continue and held not only in Cisitu, but also in other regions of Bandung.
Respond to that, Abbiq stated that "Beberes Cisitu" program would not just stop in making murals. "We are going to hold a workshop about waste sorting and urban farming. Not only that, there will also a parade that involve students, Karang Taruna, women from Pembinaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK), and the whole Cisitu residents to participate. These all events are made to create environmental awareness", said Abbiq. In accordance with Anton, Abbiq also has the same hope for the sustainability of the event. "Although one day the organizer of KM ITB will change, hopefully this program will continue to be held. By such program, students will be more concerned about the environment as well as the citizens".
AnnisaMienda C.
ITB Journalist Apprentice 2013