Cisitu Berkebun: Get Bandung Prettier by Decorating Flowers

Oleh Mega Liani Putri

Editor Mega Liani Putri

BANDUNG, - On Sunday (31/08/14) there was Cisitu Berkebun (Cisitu Gardening) in 12th section of Cisitu, Bandung. Cisitu Berkebun was initiated by an environmentalist named Wawan and he was helped by Bandung Government and also by Ganesha Hijau Ministry of KM ITB. About thirty people who come from around the neighborhood and ITB students got together to attend the event of Cisitu Berkebun. Cisitu Berkebus was supported by the government of Bandung through the program of Bandung Berkebun.

The program began from the socialization about the program of Bandung Bebas Sampah (Free of Trash) and Bandung Berkebun (Bandung Gardening). Iqbal as the representative of Bandung government explained that nowadays there are many environmental issues campaign to tell the public about the importane of hygiene. "Now we are developing trash bank so that people are interested in collecting the trash and turn them into money. At the end, the trash will not be thrown away in the inappropriate places," Iqbal explained. The government also told people about how to get the neighborhood prettier by doing Bandung Berkebun.

There were lots of decorating flowers and vegetables prepared to be planted in Cisitu Berkebun that day. "Bandung government helped us to supply the soil, fertilizer, vegetable seeds, and decorating flowers for Cisitu Berkebun," Nevi Ayu Envirani (Management of Industrial Engineering 2011) said as the representative of Ganesha Hijau Ministry KM ITB. Sector 12 of Cisitu was the target of that day's Cisitu Berkebun since it was the largest section and was selected as the role model of gardening in Bandung area.

Cisitu residents and ITB students worked together to dig holes along Sector 12 to be planted, to prepare the plantation in polybag, to prepare the reusable plastic bottle as the flowerpot, and plant the decorating flowers and vegetable seeds in the provided spots. "Later it will not be only decorating, but also give food (vegetables) for the people themselves in order to consume or o sell," Lusi (environmentalist from Cisitu) said.

The hygiene and the beauty of a city is one of the parameters to determine whether the city has been well developed. "We hope that the action of Cisitu Berkebun will get Bandung prettier and may also improve the interaction among citizens and ITB students," Wawan wished as he initiated Cisitu Berkebun.


Picture Source: Documentation by the organizers

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