Gondjang-Gandjing Cisitu 2014: Heartening Indonesia National Culture

Oleh Bayu Rian Ardiyansyah

Editor Bayu Rian Ardiyansyah

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - On Sunday (26/10/14) Ministry of Art and Culture KM-ITB (ITB Cabinet Student) held art event named "Gondjang-Gandjing Cisitu". This event was held on the area of Bumi Ganesha Dormitory in Cisitu, Bandung. Many Indonesia cultural performances were presented in this event which themed "Nusantara Membara." Not only students who became the audiences of this cultural performance but also Cisitu residents were enthusiastic with this event.


Gondjang-Gandjing Cisitu is annual work program of Ministry of Art and Culture KM-ITB. "Every year we bring different spirit. In this year, we bring the spirit to introduce back the identity of Indonesian nation by traditional art and culture performance," said Lutfan Qasmal (Mechanical Engineering 2011) as Minister of Art and Culture KM-ITB. There was one different thing in Gondjang-Gandjing Cisitu this year that it was being held by corporate with Ministry of Environment Management KM-ITB to also exhibit the harvests from Cisitu Gardening program in 12th section of Cisitu.

This event opened with remarks and performances from local residents. "It was also one of the objectives of Gondjang-Gandjing Cisitu that is to build interaction between local residents and students," said Lutfan. Cisitu residents performed Sunda cultures that were Pencak silat (Indonesian martial arts), Kuda Lumping horse dance, Jaipong dance, and others. Then, this was followed by the main event which is shown the collaboration performances of cultural student units in ITB.

"Each unit performances have their own story but still in one big storyline which describes the condition of Indonesian peoples that has begun to ignore the traditional culture," said Lutfan. He added that the collaboration between cultural student units in ITB was hoped to strengthen the relationship among student units in ITB. One of the units which performed in this Gondjang-Gondjing Cisitu was Lingkung Seni Sunda (Sunda Culture Unit). This unit corporate with ITB Student Orchestra to performed interesting music collaboration that is West Java traditional music juxtaposed with modern music instruments.

"The initial objective of Gondjang-Gandjing Cisitu is to build corporation between each student units in ITB. Hopefully, in the future more and more units can be collaborated in this Gondjang-Gandjing Cisitu," said Lutfan. Besides, this event also proposed to bring the message to build the awareness either students or society to get to know their own cultures. "We hoped everybody who comes to this Gondjang-Gandjing Cisitu can get the message which contained in every show," lid Lutfan.

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