Biomedical Engineering ITB Launched a Clinical Laboratory Instrumentation Book
By Diviezetha Astrella Thamrin
Editor Diviezetha Astrella Thamrin

BANDUNG, - Most of the biomedical technologies used in clinical laboratory in Indonesia are still using imported foreign technologies nowadays. Local industries haven't been able to compete with foreign technologies in medical devices development, especially those with advanced technologies. Hence, more research and participations are needed to make medical devices market can be entered by local players. From this background, Biomedical Engineering Group, School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics ITB published a Clinical Laboratory Instrumentation book. Medical devices industries in Indonesia are expected to develop with the launching of this book, which was held on Friday (17/05/13) at Sawunggaling Hotel, Bandung.
Clinical Laboratory Instrumentation Book contains explanations on various technologies needed in a clinical laboratory for various calibrations. The thirteen chapters in this book discuss clinical laboratory instrumentation types, how they work, specifications, examinable parameters, advantages and disadvantages, and its development in the future. The making of this book itself was done by Biomedical Engineering students, while the editing was lead by Electrical Engineering lecturer, Richard Mengko.
"What supposed to be asked is why don't we launch a book?" said Richard when he was asked the reason of the launching of Clinical Laboratory Instrumentation book. "Here in ITB, we have a lot of potential resources from the students and lecturers. If every ten persons collaborate to make a book, we will have more than two thousand books ready to be launched. Lecturer's role is only in editing the raw script constructed by the students," said Richard.
This event was also attended by medical staffs from various hospitals and laboratories, partnering with Biomedical Engineering Group. "This book launching event is something we can be proud of. I hope other ITB students can launch more books which are more useful for Indonesia," said Fitri, one of medical staff in Al-Islam Bandung Hospital. There will be two other books which are planned to be launched on the next term; Biosignal Measurement and Quantitative Human Physiology. "With the launching of this book, we expect students and lecturers become more passionate in developing and making devices, not only pouring their ideas in a book," said Richard.