Boarding UPT ITB Hold Matriculation to Candidates Receiver of Bidik Misi Scholarship

Oleh Syardianto

Editor Syardianto

BANDUNG, -  To affirm presence new candidates receiver of Bidikmisi Scholarship of college student, Integrated Servicing Unit (ISU) ITB Boarding held Matriculation for  one mounth.  This activity started on Wednesday (18/06/14) and will be the end on Friday (18/07/14). This matriculation activity is held to introduced environment and organization in ITB as early as possible. During follow the period of preparation stage together, college students  as the receiver of Bidik Misi Scholarship must stay at boarding where located in Three different of Place, such as Sangkuriang, Kidang Pananjung, and Kanayakan. This facilities given by  ITB in order that the receiver of scholarship can improve their self full-day together with the other friend.

Accompannied  Student as Early Time

Students who follow the matriculation is the students who succeed received  through Selection Nasional Entrance College. Even though still as candidates receiver of Bidik Misi because the survey still on proccess, ISU ITB has starting a coach through this matriculation. More than there are 600 new college students who follow this matriculation. To accompannied by committe who from boarding instructor and lecturer, they get chance to know ITB environment and organization more advance than student nonbidikmisi and new student who succeed through Together Selection Entrance College.
At the new school year, reciever of bidik misi student will stay at boarding soonly. During to be Boarding occupants, they will join academic and non-academic activities. There is Tutorial that be held by boarding instructor who have been passed first degree period. In each Boarding will formed cabinet that simillar to Cabinet KM-ITB. It is to make students trained to do organization in early time. Student also given facilities to recreaction activity likes watching together and walking around.
Fun activity is also do in order participants always keep spirit to join matriculation that be held from Monday until Saturday. Besides get material, participants also given personal task and working group. There is one interesting activity, that is walking around in Bandung. Participants, each cluster, requested to visit a public place in Bandung. It's simple project, they must take photo with selfie style.  End of this task is to make student know how environment arround college because many of them come from outside Bandung. There also sport activity at Sasana Olahraga Ganesha.


Presence Lecturer and Inspiration Human

Besides to know ITB environment and organization, student of pre-bidikmisi given achievement motivation during study in ITB. Because of that, speaker who invited to fill matriculation material is not carelessly. ITB Rector Prof. Akhmaloka to be speaker and also to inaugurate matriculation in the first day. Other Rectorate ranks also comes to give advice to matriculation participants, included Prof. Irawati as vice rector resources and organization field. Dr. Agung Wiyono as Head of Boarding  UPT ITB also present and give a complete explanation about ITB Boarding.
Presence of Boarding UPT ITB can be expected to increase quality service to receiver bidikmisi scholarship student so that they can evolve self potential during given facilities in Boarding. Matriculation this year also special because can presence Anwar Ibrahim, Former Primer Minister. He attend to give achievement motivation to all participants at Thursday (26/06/14). Abah Iwan who popularize Mentari song (movement zeal student song) also give motivation on tommorrow day, Friday (27/06/14).



Documentation by Matriculation Committe 2014

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