CITA ITB Held Seminar and Fair of Green Building Automation System
By Neli Syahida
Editor Neli Syahida

A green building is a smart building which able to manage energy's consumption and safety for its dweller. Recently, the concept of green building begin to be applied in many places, like office, hospital, and many other public places.
The concept of planning, construction and management of conserve's energy building can be done by integrated building automation system. According to Megarini Hersaputri, the chief of this event, "By integrated automation system, a building can adapt to level of light, circulation, and utility of building appropiate to activities in there,". It has been proven it could conserve energy's cost significantly every year.
Associate Three Elements
Seminar and fair of Green Building Automation System were held to associate three elements. First, consumer who want to creat conserve's energy building. Second, industry which serve building automation system. And third, education which produce human resource with ability in automation well.
Seminar was held in ITB's IPTEK auditorium and was attended by 105 participants from many backgrounds. It divided into three sessions. First is about the energy's consumption from many building in Indonesia. Second is about architecture and scale of need of building automation system and system automation which was held by industry. Third is about the growth of human resource in building automation system and study of cases about building automation system in Asia-Pacific.
The fair showed many products of building automation. Moreover, there were many research from different institution. Stand from physics ITB also take a part in this fair.
"By this events, I hope we know much about green building and building automation system which has been applied recently in overseas," said Mega.