Collaboration between FAD ITB and DILANS for Disability and Elderly Rights Equality

Oleh Anggun Nindita

Editor Anggun Nindita

BANDUNG, - The Faculty of Art and Design at the Bandung Institute of Technology (FAD ITB) has partnered with the Disability and Elderly Movement (DILANS) Indonesia to advocate for equal rights for individuals with disabilities and the elderly.

According to Dr. Andryanto Rikrik Kusmara, S.Sn., M.Sn., the Dean of FAD ITB, knowledge, access, and facilities are fundamental rights for all individuals. He stated that ITB is consistently working towards creating a more inclusive campus environment. Hence, the core values of inclusivity, fairness, open dialogue, shared experiences, and knowledge form the foundation for our partnership with DILANS Indonesia.

He mentioned that FAD, a faculty that also operates in the humanitarian field, contributes to the implementation of knowledge expansion and tangible forms that are directly linked to inclusivity.

"Design has the power to enhance the lives of all individuals, regardless of limitations," he expressed during the Open Lecture event titled "Creative Ideas and Social Investment/Incubation as a Movement: DILANS Indonesia Experience." The speaker, Farhan Helmy, President of DILANS Indonesia, delivered his insights at the Design Center of FAD ITB on Thursday (21/09/2023).

He acknowledged that DILANS Indonesia, as an organization, is highly skilled in partnering to explore design areas related to disabilities.

"Hence, partnering with DILANS aims to create a fresh perspective on the growth of design and disabilities," he stated.

Meanwhile, Farhan Helmy, the President of DILANS Indonesia, mentioned that the collaboration with FAD ITB is a unique partnership for the organization, being the first of its kind with an educational institution.

He stressed the importance of equal collaboration, where no one is seen as superior or inferior. As a result, DILANS actively participates in formulating and conducting various research projects with FAD ITB.

"We both contribute to its formulation, and it benefits both parties," he stated.

Meanwhile, DILANS, which focuses on practical research, relies on resources from universities to support equal rights for people with disabilities and the elderly.

Several key aspects are crucial in the implementation of this collaboration. "We prefer not to be objectified." We collaborate to gather data, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the university. Meanwhile, universities are well aware of the situation in the field," he stated.

Through this collaboration, he aims to establish a standardized curriculum at ITB and develop a specialized program at FAD focused on disabilities. "If someone is interested in learning about design related to disabilities and the elderly, they can only find it at FAD ITB," he mentioned.

The Signing of a Joint Memorandum of Understanding between FAD ITB and DILANS Indonesia took place on Saturday (10/06/2023). This Joint Memorandum of Understanding covers the following:

  1. Advancement of universal science, knowledge, and design;
  2. Conducting research and managing knowledge in policy design, innovation, and social engineering with a focus on gender equality, disability, and social inclusion (GEDSI);
  3. Creating policy recommendations, innovations, and implementing social engineering;
  4. Dialogues for enhancing public discourse and sharing research findings;
  5. Promoting and integrating policies, innovations, and social engineering focused on GEDSI.

One of the outcomes of this collaboration is the Sumur Bandung Inclusive District program. This program will conduct a range of experiments in the Sumur Bandung Subdistrict. This platform will serve as a collaborative space focused on infrastructure for enhancing mobility and accessibility for individuals with disabilities and the elderly. It aims to assess existing conditions and provide proposals for inclusive policies.

"This area has the potential to become a hub for knowledge about accessibility, with a focus on improving conditions for the elderly and people with disabilities," stated Dr. Andryanto Rikrik Kusmara, S.Sn., M.Sn.

Meanwhile, Farhan Helmy aims to have a positive impact on societal behavior through the Sumur Bandung Inclusive District.

"What is encouraged is a shift towards systemic and institutional behavioral change. Systemic refers to all aspects. The institution emphasizes the importance of commitment from all stakeholders, such as citizens and the government, with a focus on inclusivity," he said.

Reporter: M. Naufal Hafizh

Translator: Anggi Nurdiani (Management, 2021)

Editor: Vera Citra Utami

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