FSRD ITB and DILANS Indonesia Collaborate: Architects' Key Role in Crafting Sustainable and Inclusive Areas
By Anggun Nindita
Editor Anggun Nindita

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - The Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Institut Teknologi Bandung (FAD ITB) collaborated with the Indonesian Movement for Disabilities and the Elderly (IMDE) to hold a Public Lecture under the theme "The Role of Architects in the Design of Sustainable and Inclusive Buildings and Areas", at Center for Arts, Design and Language (CADL) Building, ITB Ganesha Campus, Tuesday (14/11/2023).
This public lecture was part of the "Road to International Disability Day 2023: Disability, Social Inclusion, and Climate Crisis'' series. The speaker was the West Java Chair of the Indonesian Architects Association (IAI), Adrianto Santoso S.T., M.T., IAI., who raised the topic "Urban Design Strategies: Towards a Liveable and Inclusive Environment”.
He highlighted the not-so-inclusive city development. Thus, various stakeholders such as government, practitioners and academics, should be involved to achieve better development.
A number of crucial issues were discussed, one of which was how to overcome the conflict between the mobility needs of humans and motorized vehicles based on spatial analysis. By redesigning urban spaces and public transportation, he and his team have proven that a paradigm shift in planning can create a more inclusive and comfortable environment for all.
Apart from that, he explained about the annual "Architecture without Walls" initiated by FAD ITB. This activity opens architectural insight to the general public and becomes a forum for multidisciplinary collaboration.
He explained the ID-Ton workshop as an example. The workshop aims to create an inclusive prototype as a form of adaptation to changes in the city, economy, culture, and other social aspects. In the workshop, participants from various backgrounds, be it students of architecture, interior design, transportation, or other practitioners, would work together to create solutions for inclusive urban spaces. The results of the workshop were then exhibited at the Bandung Design Biennale as an effort to convey a discourse of inclusivity to the community.
The architect's role in looking at architecture, Adrianto said, is not only as a service to the client, but also a community service. He invited various parties to continue building collective awareness of inclusive urban spaces. Hence, it is hoped that future development will pay more attention to humanitarian aspects, especially in creating a city that is friendly to all parties.
It is hoped that this public lecture will be the first step in increasing awareness and involvement of all parties in creating buildings and areas that are friendlier and more inclusive for all levels of society.
Reporter: Iko Sutrisko Prakasa Lay (Mathematics 2021)
Documentation: Personal doc.
Editor: M. Naufal Hafizh
Translator: Ayesha Lativa Mafaza (Postharvest Technology 2021)
Editor: Hanna Daniela Ayu (Aerospace Engineering, 2021)