Colosseum 2.0 : Giving Inspiration with Mobile's Technology

Oleh Shabrina Salsabila

Editor Shabrina Salsabila

BANDUNG, - ITB Informatics Student Association (HMIF ITB) reorganized Information Technology festival. The festival named Colosseum 2.0 was held on Saturday (26.10.13) at ITB East Campus Center Auditorium and West Campus Center Field.

The theme of Colosseum 2.0 this time is "Mobile's Technology Nowadays". Departing from the development of technology that is increasingly sophisticated and it causes people's dependence on technology. To respond, the Colosseum 2.0 trying to inspire people through the works in the technology field that were packaged in a variety of series of events such as exhibition, seminar, and talk show.

Exhibiting Outstanding Works

Exhibition Colosseum 2.0 exhibited various work of ITB Informatics student which had many accomplishments. Such works include, Niew's tale, Skate Time, Traveller's Diary, Guess Nusantara, Catch Back Zoo, Buspot, Broomlight, and others.
There were also booths from start-ups and IT community. Companies like Doku, Teluu, Square Enix Smileworks, and Google Student Ambassador adorn the exhibition.

This exhibition recently has a difference where there was a game called Game Quest. Game Quest is a special game for the visitors. Visitors would be given Quest Card from Quest Game stand and given a mission. Each completed mission, visitors will get the points. Once the mission is completed visitors can redeem points with attractive prizes and a chance to get a Nintendo 3DS XL.

"With Game Quest we want to give a different exhibition. Here visitors will be more interacted with a series of events at Colosseum 2.0," said Alif Raditya Rachman (Informatics Engineering, 2011), chairman of the Colosseum Event 2.0.
The Development of Game Industry

Development of Game Industry

In addition to Exhibition, Colosseum 2.0 also hold seminars and talk shows. "Developments in Today's World Games and Competition in the World International" is the topic of the seminar. The seminar presented Hiroaki Kanamaru, CEO of Square Enix Smileworks. Game is a product of technology that the development is very rapid. Game now has improved from the past. An increasingly diverse genres of games, better graphics, touching storyline, and expanding market, have made the gaming industry more competitive.

Talkshow Colosseum 2.0 also has an interesting theme. The theme of the talk show is "Start-up Story: From Where It All Began". The speakers in the talk show were from CEO Suitmedia and Agate Studio. Both Suitmedia and Agate Studio is a start-up company that has business in the gaming industry. Both start up company was sharing their story of creation that was not easy to produce. The participants of the seminar and talk shows look so enthusiastic to the event.

"Colosseum 2.0 comes with an inspiring purpose. With these events, we believe there are at least one or two people who started her dream of here," said Alif.

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