The Pursuit of Opportunities in ‘ITB BHTF Hackathon’
By Anggun Nindita
Editor Anggun Nindita

BANDUNG, — Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) held Hackaton with the theme “Designing Effective Data-Driven Strategies for Ensuring Sustainable, Resilient, and Sufficient Water Supply for IKN’s Future Growth” from Monday to Friday (23-27/10/2023).
Hackaton was organized in collaboration with the Bandoengse Technische Hoogeschool Fonds (BTHF), Institute of Research and Community Services (IRCS), as well as Institute of Science and Technology Development (ISTD) ITB. This event was open to the ITB Community, in which the bachelors, masters, and doctorate students are able to join within teams.
The purpose of this event is to mitigate threats that may be faced by the Capital City of Nusantara in the future. Students are challenged to present an innovative solution in facing a crisis involving water supply in the area, while ensuring the conservation of a sustainable water source.
To enroll in the competition, teams need to submit an abstract proposal of their problem-solving analysis. From 40 teams, 10 teams are then selected to compete in the next round of hackathon.
The main event for Hackathon was summoned on Friday (27/10/2023). From 10 teams that qualify, three best candidates are selected to present their innovation.
“There are so many submissions. We collected around 40 and each of them covers a different topic: water supply, geodesy, even business,” said Faizal Immaddudin Wira Rohmat, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., as the Head of Hackathon Event.
During the main event, Vice Rector for Research and Innovation, Prof. Ir. I Gede Wenten, M.Sc., Ph.D., gave a welcoming speech for the audience, as well as The Representative from BTHF, Prof. Eelco van Beek, that was delighted to give rounds of applause to the competing candidate. Moreover, Representative of The Netherlands Embassy in Energy and Climate, Joanne de Waard was also present during the event.
Each team was given 10 minutes time limit to present their results, followed by a 10-minute Q&A session. Teams competing are seen to be anxious before the demonstration, but they gave their best in front of the audience.
Hackathon ends with an announcement of the winner of the event. Blue Flow Pioneer Team won first place and received the prize of a funded study tour to the Netherlands in 2024 for a week.
Reporter: Arif Hermawan (Civil Engineering, 2021)
Translator: Kezia Hosana
Editor: Anggi Nurdiani (Manajemen, 2021)