Conducting Survey, ITB Researchers Discover New Facts on Liquefaction Mechanism in Palu

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

PALU, – A team from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) conducted another joint survey in disaster affected areas in Palu, Central Sulawesi on 13-18 November 2018. ITB cooperated with National Earthquake Study Center (PusGen), Puskim of Ministry of PUPR, Indonesian Society for Geotechnical Engineering, and Geotechnical Extreme Event Reconnaissance (GEER) from USA.

Members of Team from ITB that took part in the survey were Prof. Masyhur Irsyam as Chair of Geotechnical Engineering Research Group and Nuraini Rahma Hanifa from Research Center for Disaster Mitigation (PPMB). According to Prof. Masyhur Irsyam, the purpose of the survey is to have better comprehension on the liquefaction that occurred in Palu. It is also to understand the causes of ground failure and extreme ground displacement in Balaroa, Petobo, Jono Oge, Lolu, and Sibalaya.

"We are investigating the geotechnical conditions in those areas; updating our progress and collecting data on land investigations that have been running so far; inviting local, national, and foreign geotechnical experts to meet and discuss on the field; and strengthen research network within our country and abroad, "said Prof. Masyhur.

The survey found that each area has different liquefaction mechanism, although there were similarities in Petobo, Jono Oge, Lolu and Sibalaya. Those locations are also close to secondary faults. Balaroa, on the other hand, is located near the main fault of Palu Koro. Hence it is possible that the phenomenon in Balaroa occurred different compared to the other four places. The primary fault of the Palu Koro has been mapped, while the secondary fault needs further investigation. "From on-field findings, it is estimated that liquefaction occurs in all extreme conditions above," Prof. Masyhur added.

The survey was carried out by Chair of PusGen and President of HATTI. Members of the survey team are Dr. Sukirman (Universitas Tadulako), Prof. Widjojo Adi Prakoso (UI/HATTI), Prof. Paulus Pramono Rahardjo (UNPAR/HATTI), Dr. Idrus M. Alatas (HATTI), Dr. Didiek Djarwadi (HATTI), Ir. Dandung Sri Harninto, MT (HATTI) as well as international partner from GEER such as Prof. Joe Wartman (University of Washington), Dr. Ben Mason (Oregon State University/ Team Leader), Dr. Aaron Galiant (University of Maine), Dr. Jack Montgomery (Auburn University), Daniel Hutabarat (alumnus of Civil Engineering of ITB, currently taking a doctoral study at University of California, Berkeley) and Prof. Ramli Nazir from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

Nuraini Rahma Hanifa from PPMB-ITB said that the team is currently making a report and planning for a further, more-detailed research that will involve practitioners and Ph.D candidates. The research will also involve a promoter who is acknowledged internationally as liquefaction expert and geotechnical experts from Japan through government cooperation with JICA.

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