ITB to Manage COVID-19 Vaccination for ITB Lecturers, Staffs, and Pensioners

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, - Institut Teknologi Bandung are managing COVID-19 vaccinations for 3,422 lecturers, staff, as well as ITB pensioners. The vaccination program lasts for three days from March 22-24, 2021, at the ITB Sasana Budaya Ganesha (Sabuga).

Previously, in February, ITB had facilitated the vaccination of Bandung front-liners into two stages. The first batch was for health workers, while the second batch was for community servants and older adults. The vaccination at Sabuga ITB was a part of the support to accelerate the national vaccination target, as the Minister of Health states that it would create herd immunity in Indonesia.

Indonesia has started the COVID-19 vaccination in early January 2021, and several researchers have predicted that our nation will get herd immunity by early 2022. The faster the herd immunity is achieved, the earlier we can take recovery steps against the various effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Rector of ITB, Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D., said that the national vaccination program is an effort to end this pandemic sooner. "Currently, we still need to be patient and adhere to the health protocol until the herd immunity had formed," she stated.

ITB will assist the Bandung Health Office (Dinas Kesehatan Bandung) in accelerating Bandung and West Java people's vaccination services. "By doing this, ITB believes that the vaccination rate will get improved as if all of the parties have collaborated (communities, universities, and government)," said Prof. Reini.

Translator: Billy Akbar Prabowo

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