SAPPD ITB Webinar Discussed the Development of Research and Implementation of Settlement Establishment in Indonesia
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG,—Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), specifically the School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development (SAPPD) held a webinar entitled "Research, Technology, and Policy for Sustainable Residential Areas Development in Indonesia Towards Indonesia Emas 2045".
BANDUNG,—Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), specifically the School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development (SAPPD) held a webinar entitled "Research, Technology, and Policy for Sustainable Residential Areas Development in Indonesia Towards Indonesia Emas 2045".
This event was carried out online via Zoom Meeting on Thursday, July 20, 2023, and moderated by Dr. Ir. Lily Tambunan, M.T., a lecturer from the SAPPD ITB Building Technology Research Group.
This webinar presents various expert speakers in their fields, including Dewi Larasati, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. She is the Head of the SAPPD ITB Masters and Doctoral Architecture Study Programme, as well as an expert in the field of energy-saving in buildings, especially in vertical housing. She has conducted a lot of research and community service related to these issues, including parametric approaches and fabrication components to reduce energy in the construction and operational phases of flats. Dewi Larasati has also won various awards, including the LPDP Research Award from 2020 to 2023.
The subject matter Dewi presented was "Development of Research and Settlement Facilities Technology Implementation and Infrastructure in Indonesia." In her presentation, this lecturer from The Building Technology Research Group discussed the development of research and technology in implementing the construction of housing facilities in Indonesia. One of the focuses of the webinar is to reduce carbon emissions from buildings and dwellings, which is a major challenge in achieving sustainability targets in this sector.
Dewi also explained the importance of focusing on Industry 4.0 and how building technology contributes in reducing carbon emissions effectively and efficiently. She also discussed the sustainability and affordability of housing in Indonesia, as well as the importance of developing innovative solutions to face challenges in infrastructure.
Furthermore, Dewi emphasized the circular economic framework that her team at SAPPD ITB is creating. "With the main design principles of eliminating waste and pollution, distributing products and materials sustainably, and regenerating natural resources, this framework is expected to make a major contribution to achieving sustainable and decent settlement development," she said.
This webinar ended with a question-and-answer session, which was very interactive and brought valuable insights to the participants. SAPPD ITB hopes that this webinar will be a trigger for more collaboration and research focused on sustainable settlement development in Indonesia, actualizing Indonesia as a golden country in 2045.
Reporter: Hafsah Restu Nurul Annafi
Translator: Ayesha Lativa Mafaza
Editor: Anggi Nurdiani (Manajemen, 2021)