CPSP SLST Students from Ganesha and Jatinangor Campus Finally Meet After Two Years of Online Learning
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – School of Life Sciences and Technology (SLST) ITB held an SLST Common Preparatory Stage Program (CPSP) Students Meeting 2021 at ITB East Campus Center, Tuesday (24/5/2022). This event was aimed to bring together CPSP students from both SLST Science and Engineering for the first time after two years of online learning caused by the pandemic.
The CPSP SLST student meeting was opened with a remark from Dr. Endah Sulistiyawati as the Dean of ITB SLST. She hopes that this event can act as a medium for the SLST students who are studying in both the Ganesha Campus and Jatinangor Campus to get to know each other. "I hope that this SLST CPSP Students Meeting can make you feel more familiar with each other and become the beginning of the collaborations between the SLST Science and SLST Engineering students," said Endah.
The event was continued with an SLST staff introduction, starting with Dr. Indra Wibowo as the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Angga Dwiartama, Ph.D. as the Vice Dean for Resources. Then it was continued by the introduction of each Head of SLST Undergraduate Study Programs, starting with Dr. Intan Taufik as the Head of Microbiology Undergraduate Study Program, Azzania Fibriani, Ph.D., as the Head of Biology Undergraduate Study Program, Dr. M. Yusuf Abduh, as the Head of Forestry Engineering Undergraduate Study Program, and Dr. Ir. Mia Rosmiati as the Head of Postharvest Technology Undergraduate Study Program. The staff introduction session was closed with the introduction of young lecturers who will act as the students' mentors in this CPSP SLST student meeting.
The students of both SLST Science and SLST Engineering then took a brief photo session with the staff. The enthusiasm of the students can be seen when they took a live group photo for the first time.
The event was then continued with a student mentoring session. The students were split into several groups which will be led by two young lecturers who acted as a mentor. The little age gap between the students and their mentors is expected to make the students feel more comfortable communicating. During the mentoring session, the mentors shared their college year stories while the students shared their own experiences of studying for two years at ITB.
To close this student meeting, Dr. Endah Sulistiyawati stated her initial hope for the event as the closing statement, that is so that the relations between SLST CPSP class of 2021 students will last after this event ends. The relationships that have been established between the students must be maintained so that they can collaborate to develop Indonesia.
Reporter: Sabiyan Arafi (SITH-S, 2021)
Translator: Favian Aldilla R (Civil Engineering, 2019)