Darian, An Aerospace Engineering Student at ITB, Shares Learning Experience at Dutch Campus Through Global Engineering Education Exchange
By M. Naufal Hafizh
Editor M. Naufal Hafizh

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - A student of Aerospace Engineering Study Program class of 2020, Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung (FMAE ITB), Darian Patrick Elijah Soetanto, studied sustainability at the University of Twente (UT), the Netherlands. He got this opportunity through the Global Engineering Education Exchange (GE3) 2023 program.
The GE3 program allows Darian to study at the campus for six months, from August 2023 to February 2024. There, he took two courses, namely Cybersecurity and Cybercrime and Innovations in Sustainability.
Darian's preparation to study at his dream campus has started since semester 5. "The sooner the better because it also needs coordination with the study program and faculty. Study abroad activities definitely require English language test requirements, such as IELTS/TOEFL, which can be honed and prepared in advance. The collection of administrative requirements must be really considered so as not to exceed the deadline that has been set," said Darian sharing his tips for success.
He claimed to have gained many valuable experiences while studying there, both in terms of academics and non-academics. Experiencing a culture that is very different from Indonesia opened his eyes to adaptability in various situations and cultures. One of his favorite Dutch cultures is cycling for mobility.
During the program, Darian expanded his network and met inspiring peers from all over the world. He expressed his belief that the experience of studying in the Land of the Windmills gave him valuable lessons to always be open-minded and continue to be thirsty for knowledge.
"If given an exchange opportunity, take it and use it well. Don't feel inferior and afraid to interact with people from abroad. The exchange will be a very interesting experience and not just about academics. We can interact with friends from different countries, exchange ideas, and learn about their cultures. Enjoy it and don't forget to have fun," said Darian.
After returning home, Darian hopes that all the knowledge and information he receives can inject a positive contribution to his environment.
Reporter: Maharani Rachmawati Purnomo (Oseanografi, 2020)
Translator: Anggi Nurdiani (Manajemen, 2021)
Editor: Hanifa Juliana (Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, 2020)