2 SEEI ITB Teams Won the Huawei ICT Competition 2022

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

TheCloud Track Team

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – ITB students have earned two new achievements. Two contingents from the School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics won two titles at the Huawei ITC Competition 2022. The two teams won first in the national-level Cloud Track and Network Track categories.

The Cloud Track team consists of Muhammad Hilmi Fawwaz (Electrical Engineering 20), Faris Hasim Syauqi (Informatics 19), and Larastya Devindira Hasnaa (Electrical Engineering 19). The team was under the supervision of Abdul Latif, S.T., M.T.

"This competition sharpens the student's ability in understanding and operate cloud computing, which is consisted of computer service, storage service, machine learning service, and other features. On the national stage back then, we solve the problem individually and then combine our solutions," said Hilmi.

He added that his team prepared for a month by training to operate cloud computing, studying the theory, and enrolling in a certification program.

The Network Track team consists of Iqbal Arrachman (EE 20), Faishal Zharfan (EE 19), and Nissa Kinaya Maureen (EE 20). The team was under the supervision of Ibni Inggrianti, S.T.

"We deepen our skill on the computer network from its outer layer to its deepest layer. Some examples of this are internet protocol, routing protocol, VLAN, and its real-world implementation. Moreover, we were also expected to excel in network and wireless-Lan security," said Faishal. He admitted that the underlying system and his team's preparation were similar to the Cloud Track Team.

This national-level competition was attended by a handful of state officials such as the Presidential Staff, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, and Minister of Women Empowerment and Child Protection. Representatives from other institutions, such as the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, BRIN, BSSN, and rectors from partnered universities, were also present.

Tim Network Track

In February 2023, they will compete with other national champions in the upcoming Asia-Pacific competition. Later, the competition will not be limited to theoretical questions, but the participants will face hands-on problems. "Maybe in the form of troubleshooting or design project. For the preparation, we will relearn the topics that were on the national-level competition and we will try to build a simulation for the hands-on problems," Faishal explained. "We obviously feel nervous to face the best teams in the Asia-Pacific region. Even so, we will try our best in preparing ourselves," added Hilmi.

"We hope that we can do our best again so that we can win the champion title in the next stage," concluded Devindira. The Huawei ICT Competition 2022 Regional Final-Southern Pacific participants will compete for a ticket to the Huawei ICT Competition 2022 Global Final. To the SEEI ITB Team, good luck in your future endeavor. May you retain your glory and make Indonesia proud on the world stage.

Reporter: Hanifa Juliana (Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, 2020)
Translator: Favian Aldilla R (Civil Engineering, 2019)

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