David Senjaya, the Best Graduate from Physics Study Program

Oleh Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

Editor Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - David Senjaya, the first of two brothers, was born in Bandung on 1 March 1995. David chose Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) for his undergraduate study in 2013.

Since high school year, David had been actively participating in Biology and Chemistry competition. As a Buddhist, David is inspired by Ajahn Brahm, a Mahathera Monk who is also a graduate of theoretical physics, Cambridge University. David’s decision to take Physics Study Program was also inspired by his admiration toward Brahm.

During his study in Physics, David gained plenty of experiences and lessons. David remembers a lesson in basic electronics courses, that the nature of amplifiers is to receive small current but gives large voltage. “The meaning I get, including in life, is that we as human beings should not expect to receive and should give more," he said.

Amidst tight schedule, David was also active in two student units (UKM), namely Buddhist Student Family (KMB) and Chess Student Union (Percama)

Asked about how he arranged his study time, so as to achieve ‘Cumlaude’ title and be the best graduate with a GPA of 3.83 in FMIPA ITB, David replied that he studied regularly and did not sleep too late at night. According to David, cramming is actually not effective. "I tried to relax by learning long before exam and not to force myself to learn all the material at once on the same day," he said.

David gives his tips to all the students who are still struggling to finish their studies, "Make the best of your time in college, because college is the time to try something new and when we fail we can still fix it, but remember to stay happy and relax amidst our study in order to avoid the nature of solution, saturated and ready to sediment," David advised.

Reporter: Qinthara Silmi Faizal (SBM 2017)

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