Muhammad Firman Nuruddin: Being ITB Most Outstanding Student is a Form of Self-Awareness
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, — Holistic achievement was something that Muhammad Firman Nurrudin (Oceanography, 2018) strived for while studying at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). He was aware that achievement was not only about GPA. It also counted on contribution to the environment and society on campus, regional, national, or international scale.
Firman was successfully grabbed the third most outstanding student of ITB 2021. He felt grateful, yet he never expected it because of his hardship in adaptation during the Joint Preparation Stage (TPB). However, he managed to overcome his fellows during the selection of the most outstanding student at major and faculty levels.
For the past three years, Firman achieved first place in ESRI Young Scholar Award 2021, gold medal winner in Research and Poster Presentation in the ICYS 2018, and many more.
n student activities, Firman got a chance to become the General Director of the Work Initiation Program at the Coordinating Ministry of Creation and Innovation at ITB Student Board (Kabinet Arunika KM ITB). Along with his friends, he designed a webinar series about design thinking, pitching, and social innovation to encourage ITB students' work enthusiasm during the pandemic. He was also a member of the Event Division at SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics), focusing on modeling ocean waves.
In addition to academics and student activities, Firman also developed himself in community service projects, such as teaching at Asrama Mengajar ITB and in Labuang Kallo Village, Paser Regency, East Kalimantan. He sensed by himself that education provides opportunities for the underprivileged to improve themselves. Also, there was personal satisfaction when he could impact and help friends in Indonesia's special regions aiming for their goals.
In college, Firman also experienced burnout. Photography became Firman's way to refresh his mind. He also evaluated himself and looked for other strategies, usually things he could do to develop his capacity and grow beyond his limits. The actions followed his principle, which he had held since high school, namely "self-discipline fosters creativity". Firman also appreciated himself by occasionally taking walks, eating tasty food, and interacting with less fortunate people. He became passionate again for the next achievement so that he could help people around him.
For him, the key to success lies in knowing oneself and seeking wisdom from every incident. "We can learn lessons and values ??that are sustainable rather than just an index. This value can be a preparation for the long term. We also need to be an infinity jar, a glass that is not empty but is always ready to be filled. The key is there," he said.
After graduating from ITB, Firman planned to become a coastal development consultant to contribute to Indonesia's marine potential optimization. In addition, he also planned to launch a seaweed cultivation startup and create a marine laboratory so that Indonesian children can learn about their own country's maritime affairs.
Having the spirit of challenging himself and trying to control everything he did, Firman knew his optimum limit, which was when he reached his target. Reaching this point, Firman realized that parents' support, classes' solidarity, and friends' encouragement were his assets to adapt and pursue his achievements.
Reporter: Mirmanti Cinahya Winursita (Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, 2019)
Translator: Zahra Annisa Fitri (Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, 2019)