DESCOM, Reviving a Century Old Microscope

Oleh Ahmad Fadil

Editor Ahmad Fadil

BANDUNG, – Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) through its Research and Community Services (LPPM) has done many community service activities. One of the activity is Poster and Research Product Exhibition that was held for two days on Thursday-Friday (18-19/01/18). The exhibition was open for public.

On a booth by Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology (FITB), there displayed a 110 years old microscope. The device, called DESCOM (Digital Enhanced System Camera of Old Microscope) is a system that enable the use of old microscope in a modern way. Developed by Dr. Ir. Andri Subandrio, Dipl. Geol., the system is beneficial, especially in studying at ITB. The device converts unusable old microscope into modern one by adding digital camera and monitor. “DESCOM utilizes dead, old microscope and revives it for digital era use” Andri said while showing the result on LED monitor.

Three main devices that comprise DESCOM are digital camera, converter, and LED lamp. However, it is not easy to adjust the two optical devices since it requires compatibility. To connect the camera with the microscope, a converter is used. The converter varies depending on the camera and microscope. The diameter of camera lens and microscope also count into consideration.

Not all conventional microscope, both old and new, have camera with the ability to show objects in real-time. A new camera microscope also cost quite high. DESCOM takes over the role of camera microscope with much less cost, and with even greater ability. If common camera microscope only has 1 Megapixel camera, DESCOM can use 25 megapixel camera.

This device can revive the ability of old microscopes to observe objects such as sand grains in micro size. Unusable old microscopes can be used like it used to be. The result of observation can be displayed on monitor just like camera microscope with equal quality can do.

DESCOM is very beneficial for research, study, and other purposes. Studying will be more convenient because students do not have to observe the object one by one. The result of observation is displayed in real time on the monitor that connects with DESCOM so that students get the relatively same view, unlike observing one by one from manual microscope in which the result is affected by what each eye see. Students will be greatly helped by this device in their daily task. If previously they have to draw the view under microscope, now they can take a picture as it is. DESCOM can also generate video and high resolution micro photography and display it right on to the monitor in a big classroom through projector or to smart phone through wifi.

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