ITB and Olympus Opens Bio-Imaging Laboratory

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Rector of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA., officially opened ITB-Olympus Bio-Imaging Center which is a bio-imaging laboratory center in Center of Advance Science (CAS), ITB Campus, at Jalan Ganesha, on Thursday (30/8/2018). The laboratory is a cooperation between ITB and Olympus.

The opening was attended by Director of Research Center of Nano science and Nano technology of ITB, Prof. Hermawan Kresno Dipojono, President Director of PT. Fajar Mas Murni, Antonius Bambang and representative of Olympus Singapore, Ravichandran Palaniappan. After beating the gong, the ceremony was followed by signing of inscription.

In his remark, Rector said that ITB is moving to a new direction toward entrepreneurial university marked by excellence in teaching and learning, excellence in research, and excellence in innovation. Talking about excellence in teaching, Rector said there are 33 study programs in ITB with international accreditation, which come from ABET (USA), ASIIN (Germany), ABEST21 (Japan), Jabee (Japan), and RSC (UK).

In excellence in research, ITB encourages its lecturers to increase their scientific publications and develop science. A country is respected for its advanced science. “We want our lecturers and professors to support our mission to develop science and our scientific capacity,” he said.

About excellence in innovation and entrepreneurship, ITB through its Institute of Innovation Development and Entrepreneurship (LPIK) has done many relating activities, one of which is supporting the development of 77 startup.

“This is our direction toward entrepreneurial university. But in order to do that we cannot do it alone. We need the support from industry and today I am happy because ITB get the support from Olympus,” he said.

Rector said that the aim of this partnership is to create national research laboratory in microscope technology. With the laboratory, it is expected that ITB will create better research.

“I express my appreciation and gratitude to Olympus Singapore representative for the support to ITB. I hope ITB will take part in producing better research, maintain the facility and share with other institutions. This is not only for ITB,” conclude the Rector.

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