ITB Students Won Bronze Medal in Taiwan Innotech Expo 2018

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Great feat was achieved by a team of students of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in Taiwan Innotech Expo 2018 in Taiwan World Trade Center, 27-29 September 2018. The team won bronze medal in Communication Technology category for their prototype, NT Obelia 107.

The team consisted of five students of various study programs. They are Eka Febriana Triastiningsih (Geology '16), Irfan Ibrahim (Geodesy '16), Michael Simorangkir (Chemical Engineering '16), Reza Prama Arviandi (Civil Engineering '15), and Yudhi Kurniawan (Engineering Physics '14).

The leader, Eka Febriana Tria, explained that NT Obelia 107 is a design of underwater station that function as the initial step of monitoring Indonesian underwater that rich with natural resources. It is in order to obtain real time quantity data from the natural resources.

Development of the device began since Student Creativity Week (PKM) by Kemristekdikti. The design and mechanism of NT Obelia 107 was done using biomimetic concept by adapting the morphology and mechanism of an underwater species named Obelia Sp. The number 107 is the longitude of Karimata Strait where the concept is planned to be implemented.

“Because the location is strategic and near to Indonesia’s sea border, the monitoring will indirectly affect the defense and security of Indonesia,” said Eka.

Eka said that the structure of the building is feasible to be implemented. Structural analysis of the design use MIDAS CIVIL 2011 with finite element method. The safety factor is 1.2 and categorized as implementable in deep sea and resistant to physical conditions of deep sea. The material planned for the design is steel (ASTM7750) and concrete (JIS CV LC 40).

Taiwan Innotech Expo 2018 was participated by various countries. From Indonesia, there are six universities participating. Besides innovation competition, exhibition of innovation products was also held. ITB also received special award from Croatia.

Eka hoped that ITB students who have brilliant ideas in creating innovation products will have the courage to display their works in competitions. For the next step, Eka hoped that NT Obelia 107 prototype can be developed even further to make it marketable.

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