DKV and TK Students Success Took the Second Place in L'OREAL Brandstorm Business Competition 2014
By Ninik Susadi Putri
Editor Ninik Susadi Putri

BANDUNG, - Along with the opening of a free market in Southeast Asia, or better known as the ASEAN Economic Community ( AEC ) in 2015, the ability of the youth, especially students to innovate, business, and so are required to marketing can compete with foreign graduates who preyed on employment in Indonesia. It pushed Mario Kristiono and William Hartono Budhi (Chemical Engineering 2010) as well as Adryana Putri (Visual Communication Design 2010) into L' OREAL Brandstorm the race in 2014 and they eventually won second place and became the winners in the category of people choice award national stage in April 2014.
L' OREAL Brandstorm 2014 was an international marketing competition held annually by L' OREAL Worldwide. Each country sent a representative to be able to compete with other state representatives in the final session before the executive L' OREAL Paris. This year, participants have to create an innovative concept Kiehl's product range for men as its target market. "In making a product innovation, we must conduct market research analysis, create marketing idea, to design a communication idea to create a new product," Adryana said.
The innovation of the products made by Adryana et al is men facial product that is named Acne Liberator. Liberator Acne was a product that was useful for removing pimples on the face, scalp, and back. "The reason we made Acne Liberator because there was not a specific product of Kiehl's men yet that concerned about acne face, scalp, and back when the international market demand for the product was quite large, especially in America and Europe," Adryana said.
L' OREAL Brandstorm Competition 2014 was followed by participants whose the majority had business or management background. Becoming a participant in a business competition but did not have a business background is not easy. "We learned many things from the marketing, Philip Kotler's books, internet, friends, and especially from the professional coach brand manager of Kiehl's, L' OREAL HR, brand managers and McCann agency," Adryana added. But, the determination to learn was more than just the spirit of science in their majors to enter the race. "I am the one who wants to further explore advertising DKV about marketing, because marketing is the parent of advertising and anyway if we make a product, but at the time to enter the competition, I did not know what kind of products you want in the community, that would be ridiculous," added Adryana .
To enter the competition, armed with knowledge of business and marketing was not enough. Mario and William were in fact derived from chemical engineering managed to make innovative products with a very deep analysis and Adryana could make communication and design of its products to be very interesting. This was exactly made the difference between their team with other teams, so it won the championship 2 of the competition.
Experience is the most valuable thing in life. By trying a lot of things, even though it is far from the major that is being occupied right now, are good to increase the ability of both soft skills and hard skills. "Lessons are learned from this great race, from the hard skills to soft skills. We built networking; here we met lots of great people. I would also like to thank the supporters, especially from DKV fellows who were present to cheer for our team," Adryana closed.
The innovation of the products made by Adryana et al is men facial product that is named Acne Liberator. Liberator Acne was a product that was useful for removing pimples on the face, scalp, and back. "The reason we made Acne Liberator because there was not a specific product of Kiehl's men yet that concerned about acne face, scalp, and back when the international market demand for the product was quite large, especially in America and Europe," Adryana said.
L' OREAL Brandstorm Competition 2014 was followed by participants whose the majority had business or management background. Becoming a participant in a business competition but did not have a business background is not easy. "We learned many things from the marketing, Philip Kotler's books, internet, friends, and especially from the professional coach brand manager of Kiehl's, L' OREAL HR, brand managers and McCann agency," Adryana added. But, the determination to learn was more than just the spirit of science in their majors to enter the race. "I am the one who wants to further explore advertising DKV about marketing, because marketing is the parent of advertising and anyway if we make a product, but at the time to enter the competition, I did not know what kind of products you want in the community, that would be ridiculous," added Adryana .
To enter the competition, armed with knowledge of business and marketing was not enough. Mario and William were in fact derived from chemical engineering managed to make innovative products with a very deep analysis and Adryana could make communication and design of its products to be very interesting. This was exactly made the difference between their team with other teams, so it won the championship 2 of the competition.
Experience is the most valuable thing in life. By trying a lot of things, even though it is far from the major that is being occupied right now, are good to increase the ability of both soft skills and hard skills. "Lessons are learned from this great race, from the hard skills to soft skills. We built networking; here we met lots of great people. I would also like to thank the supporters, especially from DKV fellows who were present to cheer for our team," Adryana closed.