jBatik, Fenomenal Work by Civitas Academic ITB

Oleh asni jatiningasih

Editor asni jatiningasih

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - jBatik, software worked by Pixel People Project sponsored by the program SENADA Business Innovation Fund from the USAID (United States Agency for International Development) has transformed into version 2.0. Minister of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Kusmayanto Kadiman, who attended the launch event in software version 2.0, Wednesday (27/5/2009), said that batik fractal is fenomenal.
Combining knowledge of mathematics, fine arts, and computer programs, the batik create patterns that is new and open the field of work. "This does not stop at the lab or studio, but also economic impact," said the Alumnus of Engineering Physics ITB as quoted from tempointeraktif.com.

Pixel People Project consists of 3 persons, namely the Yun Hariadi served as Head of Research, Muhamad Lukman as Head of Design and Nancy Margried as Head of Business. Pixel People Project works with Dimas Danurwenda and Andik Taufiq from Informatics ITB as a software programmer and Kiranasasi Wiryawan from FSRD of ITB. His work is winning the Indonesian ICT Awards 2008 and Asia Pacific ICT Award 2008. Significant changes in the existing 2.0 version is this software can be easily used by anyone.

"Earlier versions has not realized physically. So that only programmers or matemathicians who can use and design. In addition, the interface in this version is much better and more simple," he said as quoted from detik.com.

Not only can design batik cloth, but also this software can be used in designing furniture and sculpture. The system works based on the formula fractal that is  modified by designers. Next stage is the computer authorize to make batik motives  without designer intuition again. The Software produce different batik patterns generatively or recurrence. For those who doesn't familiar with mathematical formula, it is provide some basic batik fractal design, such as the traditional style, to be developed.

Software JBatik has also been recognized with outstanding award from UNESCO, Bangkok, Thailand, and 100 Best Indonesia Innovations 2008, the National Palace, Jakarta as the combination of art, science, and technology.

Photo: pxlpplproject.com

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