Donor Darah Labtek Biru, Collaboration for Community Service between Student Associations in Labtek Biru Area

Oleh Zoealya Nabilla Zafra

Editor Zoealya Nabilla Zafra

BANDUNG, – Blood donation is a proses of taking somebody’s blood voluntarily to be kept and stored for blood transfusion. Somebody needs blood transfusion for some reasons, such as massive blood loss from trauma, operation, or shock. Blood donation in ITB is common, one of them is held by Meteorology Student Association (HMME) ITB, Nymphaea Biology Student Association (Himabio Nymphaea) ITB, and Archaea Microbiology Student Association (Himamikro Archaea) on Thursday (26/10/17) at Selasar Kebab, Labtek XI, Labtek Biru.

According to a source, this year is the first for Himamikro Archaea to take part in Donor Darah Labtek Biru. The secretariat of Himamikro Archaea which is located outside Labtek Biru is the reason. “This year we feature. This blood donation is actually Labtek Biru’s Blood Donation, while our office is located in Lembah FT,” he explained.

He also explained that usually student associations which are based in Labtek Biru such as Chemical Engineering Student Association (HIMATEK), Material Engineering Student Association (MTM) ITB, HMME ITB, and Himabio Nymphaea ITB in collaboration with Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) held the blood donation event. This year, HIMATEK ITB and MTM ITB did not participate in the preparation.

This Blood Donation is unique compared to previous blood donation, because the first ten donors will receive tissue cultures of Ginseng Java made by Himamikro Archaea.

Tissue culture is a method to isolate small piece of a plant such as its cell or tissue onto aseptic media (such us agar) so that the plant could replicate and grow in to new plant.

“The plant for this tissue culture is ginseng java. When the plant grow bigger, it can be relocated to polybag,” he explained.

The activity was planned to begin at 09.00, but seeing high enthusiasm from the participant makes the event began earlier.
Moreover, the next ten donors will receive oyster mushroom bag logs made out of wood dust which is compressed in to a cylinder and planted with oyster mushroom seedling. “Just open (the bag log), and spray every morning and evening, it will gradually grow.”

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