E-Fishery Makes Freshwater Fish Cultivation More Productive, Prospective, and Profitable

Oleh Shabrina Salsabila

Editor Shabrina Salsabila

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Public consumption of freshwater fish is increasing along with public awareness about the importance of protein from food. Based on Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 2010, freshwater fish production in Indonesia reached 46% from all of fishery product in Indonesia. Not only consumed by the domestic people but also the fresh water has been exported to the other country. With human and natural resources that we have, it is very possible that freshwater fish can be the prime comodity from Indonesia. Many efforts to innovate the freshwater fish cultivation has been done by many parts one of them is Gibran Chuzaefah Amsi, an alumni from Biology major batch 2007 in ITB. 

Using the knowledge that he got in college and his interest in entrepreneurship, in November 2012 Gibran established Cyber Aquaculture company. Appropriate with its name this company moves in supporting system for aquaculture with informatics technology and cyber base. After doing the research for 1 year, Gibran finally invent the new innovation which is an automatic freshwatre fish feeding system named 'e-Fishery'. The aim of this research is to make the freshwayter fish business more profitable because the technology that usually used is still very traditional. "With 'e-Fishery' freshwater fish cultivation in Indonesia will be more productive, prospective, and profitable," said Gibran.

E-Fishery will ease the freshwater fish cultivation entrepreneur can control the business atomatically from far distant by using Short Massage Service (SMS). The control consists of feeding, feeding scheduling, feed quantity, and security system if there is a robbery it can be detected from far distabt and can be connected to police phone directly. Besides that, the data of productivity of freshwater fish can be recorded well. From the data, the productivity of this business in the future can be forcasted so that the investor can be assured with this business prospectivity.

Technology that Gibran used is network operation center that is connected by Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) which usually used in big industries. This component then will be connectedto food container which is already completed with automatically feeding instrument and feed quantity sensor. To implement this technology Gibran still finds some problems, there are the used technology development and educated the public because this technology can be told a brand new technology for public

His invention in technology and food field successfully brought him to be the winner of Mandiri Young technopreneur 2012 in food and agriculture category. from this competition he got Rp 1,5 billion to develop his company. Gibran have a dream to make 'Independent Cyber Aquaculture Village', which is a village that has potential freshwater fish cultivation and developed by e-Fishery technology.

The achievement that Gibran got is inspiring Indonesian youth to make an useful innovation, can be solution for society, and also has a selling value. "Hopefully nature and human resources from agriculture and fishery sector can be developed to prosper Indonesian society," said Gibran

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