Earth Day ITB 2016: Unite for Better Earth

Oleh Cintya Nursyifa

Editor Cintya Nursyifa

BANDUNG, - Nowadays, the earth is the place of the human life is in need of attention. This is because the clean-healthy earth is expectation for everyone. In order to commemorate the Earth Day, the Faculty of Earth Science and Technology (FITB) ITB organizes an event entitled "Gerakan Cikapundung Bersih", the form of the joint collaboration with Association of Civil Education Student (HMS) UPI. Activities are also contributed with of the Community of Cikapundung and Perusahaan Daerah (PD) Kebersihan of West Java, took place on Tuesday (26/04/16). The event took place on the Teras Cikapundung is pre-event activities of the series of the Earth Day events held FITB each year. The purpose of this event is for asking everybody to urge people, especially students, to maintain and preserve the Earth.

Events opened with a greeting from Prof. Dr. Ir. Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, M.Sc. as the Dean of FITB. "Here we are in the framework of Earth Day, we strive to preserve the Earth in order to get better. This is our common obligation," the Dean of FITB said in his speech. Before the activity is started, all participants sang the national anthem "Indonesia Raya" as a symbol of the unity for the same purpose of the members. Although had rained briefly in the middle of the activity, the spirit of the participants does not fade so that the show continue the event well.

"Gerakan Cikapundung Bersih
" this time chaired by Stoic Juliansah (FITB 2015) and followed by approximately 140 students of FITB ITB student as well as the 100 students of HMS UPI. "We have to unify the vision and mission for a better Earth. It's not about how much we contribute, but what do we do better for the Earth, " Tabah said. This event consists of two main activities, i.e. clean up Cikapundung river and planted a hundred trees on the banks of Cikapundung river. Cleaning the river and planting a tree is divided into four posts with a first post located in the Parahyangan Reksa Raga (Pasaga) and ended up on the Teras Cikapundung.

These activities are also supported by Subdistrict of Coblong, Bandung. Drs. H. Anton Sugiana A, M. Si., Head of the Subdistrict appreciate the movement of FITB and HMS UPI students for organizing this event. He also wished the activities such as these can continue to be developed and can continue to collaborate with the Bandung Government.

ITB Journalist Apprentice 2016
Owen Nixon Jimawan (FITB 2015)

Source of photos: Earth Day 2016 Documentation Committee

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