Be the Top 5 among 148 Institutes, ITB Being Progressive in PIMNAS
By Mega Liani Putri
Editor Mega Liani Putri

ITB teams trip to IPB on Sunday (06/08/16) was done to catch the victory. Their hard work was paid off. Gold medal was presented to (PKM-K presentation category) which the team members are Jonathan Pribadi (Electrical Engineering 2012), I Wayan Kurniawan Aditya W. (Electric Power Engineering 2012), Diardano Raihan (Electrical Engineering 2012), I Wayan Palaguna Krisnadi (Electrical Engineering 2013). Silver medal was presented to ICHAS (PKM-KC presentation category): Bintang Alfian Nur Rachman (Geological Engineering 2012), Dzulkhi Yudha Pratama (Geodesy Engineering 2012), Fatih Akbarul Ihsan (Geological Engineering 2013), Syauqi Abdurrahman Abrori (Physical Engineering 2013), and Ardinda Kartikaningtyas (Physical Engineering 2013).
Bronze medal was presented to INDOGOSOL (PKM-PE presentation category): Pedrick Pratama (Physical Engineering 2012), Ichsan Aulya (Physical Engineering 2012), Nabella Adjani (Physical Engineering 2012), Ariva Permatasari (Physical Engineering 2012), and Billy Suryapmo (Physical Engineering 2014). The other bronze medal belong to Akuifer (PKM-PE presentation and poster category): Dery Marsan (Geophysical Engineering 2012), Azizatun Azimmah (Geophysical Engineering 2012), Muthi'a Jamilatuzzuhriya Mahya (Geophysical Engineering 2012), and Dida Petera Adi (Geological Engineering 2012), dan Ethis Yuantoro (Geological Engineering 2013). The next bronze medal was after Dwelling Time (PKM-KC poster category): Jayson Petra (Electrical Engineering 2012), Fransicus Abrianto Jonathan (Electrical Engineering 2012), Fikri Abdul Aziz (Electrical Engineering 2012), and Eggi Bond (Electrical Engineering 2013).
"We had to pass difficult times, so we got to always refresh our spirit to be a solid team working on one mission," Sarah (Visual Communication Design 2014) said. The other team member, Handayani (Geophysical Engineering 2014) added that all achievements in PIMNAS was to pay off all the partnership and supports from ITB.
Source: Satgas PKM ITB 2016