Electrical Engineering Days: Product Showcase Final Student of Electrical Engineering

Oleh Ninik Susadi Putri

Editor Ninik Susadi Putri

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Major Electrical Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (STEI) ITB Days held in Electrical Engineering (EE Days) in 2016 in the West Hall and East ITB, on Tuesday-Thursday (07-09/06/16). This event was an exhibition and hearing final project students of Electrical Engineering ITB. Various systems EE Days exhibited in the form of intelligent robots and various applications that break innovation.

Students who exhibited his works were divided into 38 groups each group of three. Each group presents the research works that vary are the end product of TA them. "One group should complete the final project of his in one year. From designing, working on, to be tested,"Muhammad Amin said as the Chief Executive EE Days 2016 at a time lecturer of the course. Some of the works on display include thermal camouflage systems on combat vehicles, android mobile security application of the loss, the management system on-the-street parking, multimedia terminals for air or train, and others.

In EE activities Days each participant will proceed with the trial Final. Chairman of the Electrical Engineering Department, Arif Saso, revealed that testers thesis does not only come from the faculty, but also from the industry. Testers will evaluate the problem solving process, design, and implementation of an engineering problem.

"Some companies come and cooperate with the faculty. They came to interviewing the students directly, so that they will see first hand the quality of the work of the students themselves," Amin said. She also hoped that after these activities, students can become professional engineers and possess leadership and active role in industry, government, and education in the Asia Pacific region.

Apart from the work, EE Days 2016 also presents knowledge in terms of science in Electrical Engineering with an exhibition of the results of the winners paper entitled "Appropriate Technology for Solving Problems in Indonesia," Internet of Things workshops, public lectures were filled by Dr. Robert de Souza of The Logistics Institute of Asia Pacific, as well as a seminar on "Smart City for Smarter Society".

Source: https://stei.itb.ac.id/id/blog/2016/06/13/pagelaran-electrical-engineering-days-2016/

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