The Opening of the National Student Conference on Energy in Indonesia
By asni jatiningasih
Editor asni jatiningasih

BANDUNG, - National Student Conference on Energy in Indonesia events officially opened. Since 13 to March 17 2009, held various activities that aim to provide a description of the condition of energy in the Indonesia and the efforts to find solutions for energy problems. A number of student representatives from various provinces in Indonesia along with representatives from the government and industry, participated in the event.
Located in the East Campus Center ITB, opening of KENMI marked by the spinning of giant rotor by President of Student Government (KM) ITB, Shana Fatina Sukarsono. The spinning of rotor which is a representation of wind energy - one of the examples of alternative energy, a symbol of the beginning step toward energy independence in Indonesia. Around the field, there are several propeller in big size which is the symbol of the event.
Participants in the conference, among others, comes from ITB, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Cendrawasih University, University of Bengkulu, Gajah Mada University, Airlangga University, and so on. The opening event also filled with the Angklung Korps (KPA) ITB and Theater of SMAN 3 Bandung. The student representatives from various provinces are taking part in the opening ceremony. They are students who have previously submitted paper on alternative energy and pass selection. In a series of conference, the student will discuss about the problems and potential energy in their respective regions and find a solution. While participants whose paper into the final, must present the paper.
In his speech at the opening ceremony, widyo said that he supported the KENMI event. "Such as this Events is good to be held anually, next year other university may held the same event," said widyo who are greeted with the cheers from the audience.
Series of events consisting of KENMI Mading competition on Energy "BADINGGI" (01/03/09), Visit to the Village Independent Energy (13-14/03/09), National Energy Seminar (15/03/09), Focus Group Discussion (16 / 03/09), and exhibition (17/03/09). On the last day of KENMI (17/03/09), will be held the council asserted the results from Focus Group Discussion and Press Conference results, and also the closing ceremony.
Participants in the conference, among others, comes from ITB, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Cendrawasih University, University of Bengkulu, Gajah Mada University, Airlangga University, and so on. The opening event also filled with the Angklung Korps (KPA) ITB and Theater of SMAN 3 Bandung. The student representatives from various provinces are taking part in the opening ceremony. They are students who have previously submitted paper on alternative energy and pass selection. In a series of conference, the student will discuss about the problems and potential energy in their respective regions and find a solution. While participants whose paper into the final, must present the paper.
In his speech at the opening ceremony, widyo said that he supported the KENMI event. "Such as this Events is good to be held anually, next year other university may held the same event," said widyo who are greeted with the cheers from the audience.
Series of events consisting of KENMI Mading competition on Energy "BADINGGI" (01/03/09), Visit to the Village Independent Energy (13-14/03/09), National Energy Seminar (15/03/09), Focus Group Discussion (16 / 03/09), and exhibition (17/03/09). On the last day of KENMI (17/03/09), will be held the council asserted the results from Focus Group Discussion and Press Conference results, and also the closing ceremony.