Event Organizer Seminar : Behind The Scene by Adrie Subono

Oleh asni jatiningasih

Editor asni jatiningasih

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - In an event, Event Organizer (EO) role is vital in arranging event, from pra-event until pasca event. Says in music concert inviting thousands audience from various age, promotor is needed as EO. To add the knowledge about how to become successfull EO, Adrie Subono, founder of Java Musikindo, sharing his experience in the field. He shared a story of him from the time he decided choosing music concert as his career and many things that he been through until now he become success.


Before seminar started, presented a performance of Fruit and Salad band whereas participants enjoy the coffee break. Then, Roni Urban from i-Radio Bandung as moderator, start the seminar with question: how to start to become successfull EO? Adrie answered: dare to take a risk. To organize an event it is not neccessary need many people but every person in charge must be fully responsible and capable. Java Musikindo itself only employ 8 people ( 5 women, 3 man) in charge to handle 12 concerts with approximately 60.000 audiences came to events held by Java Musikindo year 2008.

Then, he said, it is needed to be selective in choosing the event and artists that will be valuable. In this case, Adrie gave examples of music concert. His tips, Look for newborn artist or legendary artist who has new hits. Then, determine the market target. Make Efficience all we have by determining priority.EO is a business that has no ending, especially in music concert, this is because all artists need promotor (in this case, promotor is EO) to make them popular. Another tips from Adrie, in order to make artist satisfy with our work so that the promotor will be remembered, fill up they need, start from consumption until stage equipments, then make the EO name easily to remember and catchy, so that audience can recognize us when artist mention our name in his concert.

Beside good cooperation with EO and artist, good cooperation with sponsor also important. To organize a big music concert that invite famous artist from international, surely required a lot of fund. Therefore, sponsor shall suit the artist and concert theme. Adrie shared his experience whe he was rejected by sponsor. Adrie also tell a story how is difficult to fill up artist requests, his suffered from loss because artist cancel the concert, and also how to face market competition with other competitors.

At the end, Adrie gives 3 free tickets from Java Musikindo to see on Bullet Band for My Valentine who will concert in Jakarta next Februari 4 2009. Adrie delivered the seminar atractively and communicative, so that participant amused. Seminar clossed with coffee break and the performance of Baby Eats Crackers Band.

This seminar held by ITB Student Film League (LFM) , work along with mass media Pikiran Rakyat, Hard Rock FM and i-Radio Bandung. At the end of the seminar, participant get the book "WOW" contains of  interesting experiences and story Adrie Subono during his running on EO business with Java Musikindo.

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