Farmadays 2011: Learning How To Live Healthy With The Experts

Oleh Muhammad Fikri

Editor Muhammad Fikri

BANDUNG, - ITB's Pharmaceutical Students Society (HMF) Ars Praeparandi ITB held a Workshop and Seminar on Healthy Living in ITB West Hall as a part of their Farmadays 2011 program, Sunday (22/11/11). The seminar featured two speakers, dr. Phaidon L. Toruan and dr. Irsan Hasan, both presented topics on the importance of healthy lifestyle-especially for college students. dr. Phaidon, speaker of the first session, introduced food combining, healthy eating habits, as well as economical and effective ways to work out effectively to the participants.
After the session, participants received a short workshop on how to count their body mass index and their calories, and how to plan a personal, balanced diet. Dr. Phaidon, who is the director of Sports Science of PSSI (Indonesia's National Football Association), presented the session with infectious enthusiasm that successfully grabbed the participants attention.

The Danger of Hepatitis

An equally interesting and important session was about the recent, alarming outbreak of hepatitis-presented by dr. Irsan Hasan, an expert on liver from PRODIA Laboratory. Dr. Irsan explained about the different types of hepatitis to the audiences. For example, hepatitis B spread through blood and other body fluids. In an endemic country like Indonesia, hepatitis can also be infected from a mother to her child.

Although considered dangerous, the disease can still be averted through preventive actions such as not sharing use of household utensils, not partaking in illegal drugs, and by taking vaccination.

Dr. Irsan commented that the recent hepatitis outbreak in Bandung is probably started from a single source. From one source-an eatery, for example-the virus might infected everyone who were eating there, and the virus further dispersed more widely. The easiest way to prevent it is through vaccination. "Get the vaccination twice to fortify your immune system even more," dr. Irsan concluded.

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