Fauzan Reza Maulana: Achievements while Doing What He Loves

Oleh Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti

Editor Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - At the end of April,  ITB announced Fauzan Reza Maulana (Civil Engineering 2011) as the first winner in the event Selection of University Valedictorian 2014. With the title Ganesha Prize, he is familiarly called Fauzan will represent ITB  in the National Outstanding Student Elections to be held by the Directorate of Higher Education in July. In addition to his achievements as an Outstanding Student ITB, Fauzan also has won numerous other achievements. Here is a summary of the interview with the Kantor Berita ITB, Fauzan sidelines preoccupations.

After graduating high school in Jakarta Kebayoran Labschool, the man who was born in Jakarta on October 12, 1993 is continuing his studies to the graduate program in Civil Engineering ITB. Being a student in this course has indeed been a dream since attending primary school. "Initially I wanted to go in Civil Engineering because I like building since childhood, but now I want to build things that are useful to Indonesia as creating a strong building with low cost to solve the problems of equitable development in Indonesia," said Fauzan.

To be the ITB most outstanding student, Fauzan raised the issue of structural health monitoring or structural health monitoring using sensors connected directly to the computer system. In contrast to the usual structural health monitoring that was done with vision or shooting waves. With these technologies will facilitate natural disaster such as an earthquake or structural damage to buildings and roads. This is in accordance with the geographical condition of Indonesia is prone to natural disasters. After going through the selection and administration and faculty level selection, Fauzan managed to convince the jury to select it into the Main ITB Student Achievement.

"As was announced as ITB most outstanding student,I feel happy because I felt the hard work that pays off and also proud to be able to produce concrete results of what is taught in lectures. But must remain focused on the selection of outstanding students face a national level," he explained, the man who wanted to continue his studies in civil engineering after graduation.

The Journey in the World Debate

When Fauzan was at level one (TPB), Fauzan decided to follow the activities of the unit in the field of debate with students using English, Student English Forum (SEF) ITB, as a venue for actualizing himself. Unlike most members of the SEF ITB has known since high school debate, Fauzan first set foot in the world through the SEF ITB debate.

In the first year, Fauzan following eleven debate competitions, but none of that made him a winner. This did not make Fauzan surrender and despair. In the following year, he participated in various competitions and eventually became a champion at several prestigious debating competitions such as the Asian English Olympic 2013 ALSA UI 2013, and also became a best speaker in the National University Debating Championship (NUDC) in 2013, and became the first Indonesian to be a champion the first debate in the international competition, the World University debating Championship 2014 held in the city of Chennai, India in January.

"From the debate I get a lot of things. Starting confident when speaking in public, the ability to express opinions that exist in our minds, knowledge of the issues to be debate topics, and friends who inspire," Fauzan said.

At the end of the interview Fauzan advised to always do good to others and do things as well as possible because the results will be issued in accordance with the business. "Whatever good things we do for others will certainly come back to us," Fauzan said. Then he also advised to always do what gives happiness to yourself not only because of the bandwagon or because only the material alone. "Do what you love," Fauzan messaged.

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