ITB Named Overall Winner of OFI for Three Consecutive Years

Oleh Fauziah Maulani

Editor Fauziah Maulani

BANDUNG, – ITB retains overall winner of Olimpiade Farmasi Indonesia (OFI) IX or Indonesian Pharmacy Olympic IX held on Saturday-Monday (29-01/09-10/17) at Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta. It is interesting to note that ITB received overall winner title from six out of nine OFI, and has done so consecutively for the past three years. Overall winner title is determined on accumulative score of participants from a single university in semifinal as well as achievement and medals earned.

OFI runs in two sections, pharmaceutical and pharmacology. Just like any other science Olympic, participants were given questions to be done individually during elimination round and semifinal. In the final, participants have to pass three steps, including formulation and evaluation for pharmaceutical and medicine counseling for pharmacology, as well as study case and journal presentation for both sections.

ITB wins gold medal in pharmaceutical from Ahshonat Izzatul Haq (Pharmacetical Science and Technology 2014) and silver in Pharmacology from Dian Arista (Clinical and Community Pharmacy 2014). Other achievements are best participant in Pharmacokinetics and non-infectious disease pharmacotherapy from Levina Mahardika (Clinical and Community Pharmacy 2014), Non-Solid Pharmaceutical Technology from Denobia Faishal (Pharmacetical Science and Technology 2014), and Proper Medicine Production (CPOB) from Naufalia Faza (Pharmacetical Science and Technology 2014).

Thing to be proud of is that nine out of ten ITB delegations in both sections get to pass to the semifinal and another participant get to be female finalist of Indonesian pharmacy. They beat participants from other 30 higher educations.

The result comes from the support of many, including lecturers of School of Pharmacy. Moreover, from the day of competition to the day of announcement, participants were accompanied by Dr. Diky Mudhakir (Head of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology), Dr. rer.nat. Sophi Damayanti (Head of Clinical and Community Pharmacy), and Dr. M Insanu (Coordinator of Student Affairs of School of Pharmacy).

“There are many lessons and new friends I find during OFI. Straighten and strengthen the intention so that the spirit never die. Aim for target, but do not focus merely on superficial achievement. Fortify and prevent yourself from disappointment by taking lesson from every step there is,” said Ahshonat.

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