Fight against Corruption Requires Competencies in Technology

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, - Director of Fostering Networks Between Commissions and Institutions of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Sujanarko, S.T., MSE., addressed a public lecture on Integrity Festival of Anticorruption Education at Aula Timur of ITB, Bandung on Wednesday (24/4/2019). It is a part of Anticorruption Education Subject taught in ITB.

On the public lecture, Sujanarko explained that fight against corruption requires human resources with competencies, even more so when advancement of technology, information, and communication have had major impact on investigation of corruption cases.

The first competency is computer forensic. “Computer forensic is a forensic science that deals with legal evidences found on computers and digital storages. This science is intended for corruption investigation. This investigation requires an expert because the data studied could be millions,” he explained.

The second competency is forensic accounting, an expertise in identifying financial flows. That way, experts who are working for KPK are not only experts in legal but also experts in technology. “Using this competency we can conduct audits, business valuations, and detect money laundering,” he said.

The next competency is intercept communication. Sujanarko said that this expertise is used to capture or bypass communication channels on perpetrators or agencies suspected of corruption. “Eradication of corruption requires engineers and experts on those fields because Indonesia is far behind in terms of technology,” he added.  

Early Prevention of Corruption

Sujanarko also said that in daily life, integrity should be upheld and accustomed. Integrity means doing something good and right without supervision needed. Integrity is practicable by accustoming honesty and self-evaluation. Higher education also have a role in initiation of anticorruption.

“Higher educations in Indonesia can carry anticorruption education, anticorruption campaigns, anticorruption studies, uphold ethics and integrity, transparency, community service, access to reporting, and reject gratuities,” he explained.

Concluding his lecture, Sujanarko added that skill, knowledge and attitude have to be balance to create anticorruption human resources. “Skill, knowledge, and attitude is interconnected so hopefully when everyone has those three characters then corruption can be prevented in this country,” he concluded.

Prior to the lecture by Sujanarko, Vice Rector of Academic and Students Affairs of ITB, Prof. Ir. Bermawi Priyatna Iskandar, M.Sc., Ph.D., open the lecture with a remark. He said that honesty and integrity is rare in this country. Students who study in universities should uphold honesty on tests, assignments, and community activities. “These Anticorruption Education Subject and Festival are ITB’s commitment to prevention of corruption,” he said.

Reporter: Billy Akbar Prabowo (Metallurgical Engineering 2016)

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