Filling Lost Experiences during the Pandemic, ITB Students Educate Children of Kampung Pelangi 200

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Caring for the surrounding environment is something that must be engraved in the hearts of every college student, including ITB students. Last April, several students who were members Group 7 for the college course Character Education – KU4093 succeeded in carrying out a social project in Kampung Pelangi 200, Dago.

This group consisted of Lita Marina Nisa, S.T. (Assistant), Bayu Septiadi (Leader), Ahmad Rizky, Eliana Angela Kurniawan, Novan Saputra Haryana, Shabri Ash Shiddieqy, Shareta Alya Reghina, and Muhammad Ridho Alfino.

This social project was titled as “Weekly Kids Edufair”, a teaching activity targeted towards elementary school children in Kampung Pelangi 200. “This teaching activity was conducted every Sunday for 4 weeks, with different topics that were designed to be interesting for the children for each meeting,” Bayu explained as the group’s representative. This activity was held from 27 March – 17 April 2022.

School is one of the most important settings for children to gain knowledge and build their character. However, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the schools’ teaching learning activities have become very limited. “It is very important to hold an activity that can support the academic needs of children which are not being met due to the pandemic,” Bayu concluded.

Other than to support their academic needs, this activity is also aimed to teach general knowledge and to increase the manners and morals of the Kampung Pelangi 200 children’s social life.

This Weekly Kids Edufair activity was opened on Sunday (27/3/2022), by introducing themselves and the program being conducted to the children. During the first week, geographical themes packaged into several activities such as quizzes, games, and teaching sessions were raised.

In the second week, the main theme was the solar system. The children were invited to be more familiar with the planets and other celestial objects, and the activities were packaged to a grouped teaching session, quizzes, and coloring activities.

“In the third week, we discussed animals, together with the children, we studied in groups with several props, then we crafted some animal shaped origami. In the fourth week, the closing week, the activities were just a review of all the things we’ve learnt with a small quiz, then we shared gifts and food to break their fast,” Bayu said.

This activity went smoothly since all of the needs (such as the location, delivery method, etc. ) were well prepared. "The materials presented were packaged using light and easy-to-understand language so that it would get a good response and plenty of enthusiasm from the participating children," said Bayu.

From the series of activities that were carried out, it is hoped that the children's insight would increase and develop. "Hopefully these children could have more insight regarding general knowledge and could implement moral values ??in their everyday lives," said the student from West Sumatra.

Bayu expresses his gratitude to all parties that have participated in the success of this event. Such parties include lecturers, assistants, the children’s parents, the campus, and the local village administrators. They advised that the knowledge given could be put to good use. “The message was to hope that the experience and knowledge obtained from us can be used and be applied in those children's daily lives," he said.

Reporter: Kevin Agriva Ginting (Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, 2020)
Translator: Hanna Daniela Ayu (Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 2021)

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