Five ITB Students Represent Indonesia in the LIYSF in United Kingdom
By Cintya Nursyifa
Editor Cintya Nursyifa

LIYSF 2015 "Science as a universal that particular endeavor" is for young adults have aged 18-22 years old from around the world to gather and study science and technology together. There, total LIYSF delegates are 450 people from 65 countries around the world prepare for the research presented in the presence of the international community. In addition, they also conduct discussions, exhibitions, and interact together with hundreds of other young men who also have great interest to science and technology. "We're also given the option to make a visit to Oxford University or Cambridge University, depending on the choice of a branch of science that becomes our interest," said Syaukat.
Being able to follow this international event, they go through a selection process of the study programs of abstract of the research by collecting them. The best research assessed chosen to represent ITB at the LIYSF. "We brought four different researches, two of which is research conducted for the final task," explains Maria. Meanwhile for funding, Maria and others sponsored by Jasindo and PT. Algas.
Born an Idea from Restlessness for Area of Origin
One of the studies that be carried is research on carbon emissions by Syaukat. Although derived from the course that are not pure science with a viscous, Syaukat escaped selection and be the delegation of LIYSF because of his main interest in viewed the relationship between study of regions and cities planning with pure natural science. See the fact that Indonesia is one of the developing countries with high growing number of private vehicles and expected increased 1.72 Gton CO2 emissions from the year 2000 be 2.95 Gton in 2020, Syaukat keen to raise the issue of carbon emissions in the region, Banda Aceh. Banda Aceh has a population of motorcycle users who continue to rise each year, with a growth rate of 9.01% in 2013. This increase is certainly contributing to the increase in CO2 emissions. Therefore, he researched about the carbon emissions from the use of vehicles and motorbikes in the city of Banda Aceh. The research results intended to provide advice for the Government of Aceh to formulate appropriate strategies in reducing carbon emissions in the city of Banda Aceh.
Research conducted by taking samples of the user population of motorcycles to obtain the average distance traveled per day and the amount of fuel used. Emission calculation solved by Mobile Combustion method of the IPCC. Based on the results of these calculations, the number of annual CO2 emissions in the city of Banda Aceh in 2013 is of 61947,3 tons of CO2.
In addition to doing the exact science activity, they also display the culture of Indonesia, namely Pendet Dance when cultural night. There are also activities for strengthening the bonds of each participant named the Olympics in the form of race-the race is both entertainment and Cabaret that is kind of a talent competition. Overall, the show was fun, Ivan claims to be getting a lot of memorable experiences after following the LISYF. "Love to be able to meet together people around the world, who love science, all of them are exciting. Proud as the flag bender of Indonesia, when bend opening ceremony of LIYSF, "said Ivan while snickering. In the future, they hope that the publication of the LIYSF in ITB is more heavily again. "I think a lot of ITB Student have good research and could go there too," close Vandru.