FMIPA ITB held Guest Lecture Commemorating 70th years of Chemistry Education

Oleh Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

Editor Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

BANDUNG, – Commemorating the 70th Dies Natalis of Indonesia Chemistry Education and adding insight to students and lecturers, FMIPA ITB invited John Carver, a professor from Research School of Chemistry, The Australian National University, as a guest lecturer.

The guest lecture on Room 2014, Gedung Kimia discussed the advantages and disadvantages of Protein Folding, Unfolding, and Aggregation. Beginning at 11.00 a.m, the lecture was opened and moderated by Rukman Hertadi, D.Sc, as the head of Biochemistry Research Team (Chemistry Study Program) of ITB. This lecture discussed the process in protein synthesis, failures during the process (misfolding) and aggregation.

Held on (29/03/17), the lecture began with screening of two short videos that explained about protein and its synthesis process in Ribosome. Misfolding and aggregation that occur in protein synthesis could lead to degradation of quality control, improper trafficking, and toxic conformer. Diseases caused by protein synthesis errors are Alzheimer, Parkinson, Ceutzfeldt-Jakob, Huntington, and Cataract.

Carver then focused the discussion on cataract, one of eye diseases that mostly occurs to seniors in Indonesia. Cataract is a condition where eye lenses become progressively opaque and disturb vision. Cataract is caused by pathogen that attack crystalline protein on eye lenses and can lead to blindness.

Besides cataract, the lecture also discussed Alzheimer, the shrinkage of brain nerve that leave protein sediment or usually known as amyloid plaque. This plaque is also a sign of other degenerative diseases such as Parkinson and Huntington. The discussion ends with introduction of Research School of Chemistry to participants.

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