ITB Professor Recommends 10 Medicinal Herbs for Fighting Cancer
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Many Indonesian suffer from cancer. Basically, cancer is caused by abnormal growth of body cells that turns into cancer cells. When progressing, the cancer cells spread to other body parts and may cause death. Several efforts to fight cancer are available such as operation, radiation, antibody monoclonal, and chemotherapy. However, many people choose other alternative by using herbal medicines.
Plenary Session of Professors (FGB) of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) was held and discussed the topic “The Future of Herbal Medicines as Alternative Therapy to Cancer”. Taking place at Gedung Balai Pertemuan Ilmiah ITB on Friday (28/9/2018), Prof. I Ketut Adnyana, M.Si., Ph.D featured as the main presenter and Prof. Ir. Tutuka Ariadji, M.Sc., Ph.D as the leader of the plenary session. Other ITB professors were present to give their take on the topic from the point of view of their respective field of expertise.
According to Prof. Ketut, cancer appears more common on frequently used organs within human body that are exposed to external factors. For example, lung cancer is caused by frequent exposure of lungs to pollution and cigarette smoke, while prostate cancer is caused by male reproductive activities. But the most common risk comes from colorectal cancer because colon is actively working to process food every day. Colorectal cancer gets worsen if we eat unhealthy food. “Frequent consumption of unhealthy food will trigger cell mutation that cause cancer,” explained Prof. Ketut.
The main factor that causes cancer is heredity, in addition to alcoholic beverages and obesity that enhance the risk of cancer. “Basically, all diseases relate to heredity, including cancer. Therefore, tell your family honestly if you have certain disease,” explained Prof. Ketut.
The Potential of Herbal Medicine as Anti-Cancer
During his presentation, Prof. Ketut mentioned 10 herbs potential as cure for cancer. Those herbs are scientifically proven to contain active compounds that kill cancer cells. Those herbs are rose periwinkle (Vinca rosea), taxus (Taxus sp), bitter ginger (Zingiber zerumbet), Chinese keys (Boesenbergia pandurata), melinjo (Gnetum gnemon), soursop leaf (Annona muricata), bawang tiwai (Eleuthrine americana), rodent tuber, seeds of grapes, and propolis (from honey bee).
All those herbal medicines have gone through numerous tests to ensure the medicines can kill cancer cells by doing active compound test, cell level test, animal test, and test to cancer patients. It is found that all those ten medicinal herbs suppress the activity of cancer cells and received positive testimony from patients.
The most commonly used is soursop leaf. Compared to standard cancer medicine, tamoxifen, an active compound from soursop leaf is better in suppressing cancer cells. Melinjo is also an interesting potential because it contains active compounds, gnetin C and trans-resveratrol, that effectively suppress the growth of cancer cells.
“This ingredient (melinjo) is available abundantly in Indonesia, and we usually make it into emping. Hence, let’s make eating emping and sayur lodeh a habit,” said Prof. Ketut.
“I believe in the potential of herbal medicine in Indonesia because we have many potential ingredients. It has opportunities, tradition, low-cost processing, big market, and safety. Our challenge is only the political will. We have to be bold to give recommendation,” said Prof. Ketut.
He asserted that it is necessary to have human resources that have vision into the future, so that herbal medicine do not end up only as alternative. Clear regulation on the use of herbal medicine is needed to avoid misleading information among communities.
Prof. Tutuka hoped that the result of the plenary session can give positive impact to community. “We hope from the result that FGB-ITB can give something to community, and there are no more misinformation on the benefit of herbal medicine especially for the treatment of cancer,” he concluded.
Reporter: Nur Faiz Ramdhani