Freshmen Enrollment Open Assembly ITB Year 2011

Oleh UKM Student English Forum

Editor UKM Student English Forum

In welcoming new students academic year 2011-2012, ITB held a Freshmen Enrollment Ceremony year 2011 in Sasana  Budaya Ganesha, Tuesday (02/08/11). The ceremony was attended by itb's Rector, Member of Respresentatives Council, Member of Academic Senate, Member of Audit Board, Head of Faculty, Head of Major, Prof. Robert Huber, and of course the freshmen from undergraduate, magister, and doctorat program.

This annually eventuated ceremony consisted of 3 main event : (1) freshment enrollment year 2011-2012 ; (2) scientific speech by Prof. Robert Huber as 1988's Nobel Laureate in Chemistry; and (3) Handover the award to students who had best academic achievement and also the primary achievement category.

Head of Freshment Enrollment  (Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru- PMB) 2011 Dr. Mindriani Syafila reported the progress of the Enrollment activity adequately. This year, all the freshmen were selectioned by a national test, SNMPTN 2011. With the total of 3297 new students, almost 63% originated from DKI Jakarta, West java, and Banten. The youngest students is 15 years old, while the average student's age is 18 years old. Also in this year, the Undergraduate program accepted foreign students originated from Malaysia, Korea, and Thailand totaled 15 students.

For Post-Graduate program, there were 1284 new magister students and 188 new doctorat students. Those number had doubled the amount  if compared to last year's enrollment. The post-Graduate program  also accepted international students from USA, France, Libya, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, Timor timur, and Madagascar.

Based on Rectorat Decree dated 2 August 2011, all students from undergraduate as well as post-graduate program who had been accepted by fulfilling academic requirements and also administration requirements had officially inaugurated as student of ITB for academic year 2011-2012. The ceremony continued by the reading of student's oath that was done by Gery Santiago from Civil and Envinrontment Enggineering year 2011.

The oath consisted of promises for always study hard with awareness and persistence in order to build the nation and the country  of Indonesia.

In this oficial ceremony, ITB's rector gives the acknowledements for the freshmen with the themes "IPTEKS as a Power for Nation's Development".

In line with the tradition of student's enrollment, there was also a scientific speech - this year was titled " How did I Become a  Scientist?"- to enrich our academic knowledge , delivered by Prof. Robert Huber winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry year 1988.

ITB also gave an award for  best academic achiever students from every major, primary achievements student, and for students who has excellent achievements on sport, science and social society, and also innovative works. The top 3 ranks of primary achievements students (or known as the Ganesha Prize) were Samantha Vivia (Biology) in 3rd rank, Hubert Tjokrobudyanto (Chemical Engineering) on 2nd rank, and Reswita Dery Gisriani (Science and Pharmacy technology) in 1st rank.

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