FTMD ITB Held Joint Seminar with JFE Steel Japan

Oleh Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

Editor Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – Construction materials are essential for construction works. High quality Materials could bring about quality constructions. Therefore, gradual technology development in materials is necessity. That development could be clearly seen in the recent ITB-JFE Steel Joint Seminar. This event on Thursday (16/03/17) at Seminar Room Labtek II FTMD ITB is the cooperation between Materials Engineering Study Program of ITB, FTMD ITB and JFE Steel (a well-established steel manufacturer. The seminar, held thanks to the support of the Embassy of Japan in Indonesia, bring the theme “Advanced Technology Related to Automotive Steel Sheets”. In the seminar, seven researchers from ITB and JFE Steel presented the result of their respective researches regarding the latest steel development technology in automotives.

Opened by the Dean of FTMD, Prof. Hari Muhammad, the seminar was held in four sessions. Discussing general topic in materials, the first session was delivered by three speakers, Dr. Sigit Santoso (Mechanical Engineering Program, ITB), Dr. Arif Basuki (Materials Engineering Program, ITB) and Dr. Toshiaki Urabe (JFE Steel). They respectively delivered interesting topics regarding materials development technology in automotives. Dr. Sigit explained about ITB policies in transportation technology while Dr. Arif talked about high-strength steel which consists of Dual Phase Steel and Transformation-Induced Plasticity Steel. Moreover, Dr. Toshiaki Urabe discussed an equally interesting topic on AHSS (Advanced High-Stress Steels) which is the most modern type of steel with certain composition and structure resulting from specific cooling and heating methods.

The seminar continued after the break with the topic on materials crashworthiness or the ability of materials to protect users during an impact. The topic was presented by Prof. Tatacipta Dirgantara (Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering) and Dr. Kentaro Sato (JFE Steel). They explained that different materials will bring about different crashworthiness. Even identical materials with different geometric structure will have different crashworthiness. Therefore, affecting factors have to be thoroughly studied and developed to produce crashworthy materials.

The last two sessions delivered the topic of corrosion and the latest research by JFE Steel in Indonesia. The topic delivered respectively by Dr Daisuke Mizuno and Mr. Dedy Asdiawan Wibowo completed the outlook of participants during the seminar. The event came to a close with closing speech by Prof. Heri as the Dean of FTMD. FTMD ITB and JFE Steel are expected to improve and realize current researches plans inasmuch as both institutions contribute to the improvement of materials field specifically in automotives.

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