FTSL Engineering Day 2016: Synergy in Building National Infrastructure
By Mega Liani Putri
Editor Mega Liani Putri

Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (FTSL) ITB organized FTSL Engineering Day on Saturday (14/05/16) addressed for freshman students of FTSL ITB 2015 through the required course of Introduction to Design and Engineering (PRD). Placed at East Hall ITB this event was attended by lecturers of PRD, assistant lecturers, FTSL's administration staffs, event committees and participants. This event was started with a welcome speech from Prof. Ir. Ade Sjafruddin, M.Sc., Ph.D. as Dean of FTSL. He encouraged all participants to contemplate about their future major thoroughly and also asserted that all major in FTSL are designed to collaborate for national infrastructure development.
This year, FTSL Engineering Day 2016 delivered a theme about floating structure, one of the main infrastructures in oil and gas exploration and process. This infrastructure has been developed by many Western countries in the effort to be able to fulfill their needs in oil and gas industry independently, especially after the Middle-East countries decided to increase oil price just recently. Meanwhile Indonesia, who has an enormous resource and marine potential, could not develop its own platform technology yet.
Advancing from the concern regarding how minimum marine infrastructure in Indonesia, FTSL Engineering Day 2016 focused the main event on floating structure design competition between the six classes of PRD, which is divided into 42 groups. After welcome speech from Prof. Ade as Dean of FTSL and Ir. Biemo W. Soemardi M.Sc., Ph.D. as PRD lecturer coordinator, the event continued with floating structure demonstration from each group.
An Overview of Offshore Structures
The floating structures that were allowed to join the contest was: Spar, Tension Leg Platform (TLP) and Semi-submersible. Spar is a type of floating oil platform typically used in very deep waters, and is named after logs used as buoys in shipping that are moored in place vertically. Semi-submersible is a specialized marine vessel used in a number of specific offshore roles such as offshore drilling rigs, safety vessels, oil production platforms, and heavy lifts cranes. And the last type is TLP, a vertically moored floating structure normally used for the offshore production of oil or gas, and is particularly suited for water depths greater than 300 meters and less than 1500 meters.
Each group designed their own structure which was demonstrated then in front of the lecturers and the lecturer assistants to be scored. In the demo, the structure will be given wave and weight load and scored based on their ability to be more stable and to endure external forces.
The Responsibility of Indonesian Development
As a faculty focused in infrastructure development, FTSL continuously organize FTSL Engineering Day as the final project of PRD course. This event was a further introduction to freshman FTSL ITB students about infrastructure, which will be the main focus of one of FTSL major.
"I feel so nervous when our structure was being tested. Although we have already calculated our design carefully it turns out that it's still unstable. Honestly I am a little bit disappointed, but still this is a very wonderful experience," Ririn said as the participant. Through this event, students could apply the theories they got in class. Furthermor,e they are given the chance explore something new and find solution together in a team. "I do hope that this event could be arranged continuously and the students would prepare themselves better," she added.
After the model demonstration and scoring from lecturer and lecturer assistant, all participants were gathered in East Hall ITB and the winner from every class and categories type would be announced. "I hope in future we will meet again in other circumstances to see you as a great and valuable person for Indonesia," said Prof. Ade in the middle of his speech.
ITB Journalist Apprentice 2016
Anin Ayu Mahmudah (Ocean Engineering 2013)
Photos: Writer's document